Saturday, December 19, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 15

Mark 15:1-47

15:1 In the morning, the chief priests still did not have a way to justify their imprisonment of Jesus. They will not let Him go. Instead, they plot together a way to keep Him captured. They bring Him to Pilate, who we read about in The Book of Matthew, chapter 27.

15:2 Pilate intends to have Jesus identify Himself.

15:3 On the sidelines, the chief priests continue to argue that Jesus is guilty of something (even if it means completely making it up).

15:4 Jesus remains silent. His actions, the actions of His life, have spoken of His innocence. Jesus also knows that the crucifixion will take place because God has allowed it. God sent Jesus here knowing what humans would do to Him -- but God gives humans free will and so Jesus is willing to let the situation progress.

Also, Jesus does not need to beg for His life or defend His innocence because His captors know that He is innocent and because God has already given Him eternal life.

15:5 Pilate is marveled by Jesus -- clearly He knows something big is going on. Pilate is likely used to guilty criminals shouting and pleading and defending themselves... yet here is Jesus, an innocent... The Innocent, and He's remaining calm.

15:6 There was a tradition of releasing one prisoner during the feast.

15:7 Another captured criminal, Barabbas, was there and he was truly guilty of a crime.

15:8 The crowd had excitement for the release, they begged Pilate to continue the tradition of releasing someone. Clearly, this crowd is already deranged. Why release a guilty criminal as a way of celebration?

15:9 Pilate asked the crowd if they would like for him to release Jesus.

15:10 Pilate is aware of the truth of the situation. Pilate knows that the chief priests only arrested Jesus because they wanted the control back. They wanted all of Jesus' followers to revert back to being under their corrupt control.

15:11 The chief priests swayed the crowd... and obviously this was not a crowd of kind, honest people or followers of Jesus. The crowd did not choose Jesus for the release.

15:12 Pilate is confused and frustrated -- He does not know what to do with Jesus who he knows is innocent.

15:13 They call for Jesus' crucifixion.

15:14 Pilate tries to defend Jesus' innocence to this blood-thirsty crowd.

15:15 Pilate does as the crowd requests. He should have, but he did not go against the large mass of deluded people.

15:16-20 Jesus is severely mocked in these four verses. He's been captured by truly horrible people. We know that Jesus did not have to put up with any of it, Jesus has the power of God within Him -- but Jesus came to Earth to teach a message and He carries that purpose through to the end. Jesus experiences the pain, mocking, suffering and earthly death that we all are exposed to. He is so humble and so resilient. 

15:21-22 Jesus is put onto the cross and brought out to where anyone can view.

15:23 Jesus will not take anything from an evil person. Remember that Jesus, and what comes from Him is our sustenance -- previous examples: Jesus being our "bread" and His "blood" our "wine." What this means is that Jesus and all that His life was... was to keep us alive and surviving and loved. Jesus gave "good fruit" as in, productive, helpful, supportive advice and love. Jesus will not ingest anything from these evil people bearing "bad fruit" as a metaphor to us: He wants us to stay away from them as well. Be careful who you let "feed" your spirituality... they could be poisoning it with deceit or greed.

15:24 They nailed Him to the cross and then to try to humiliate Him further... made bets and arrangements about His clothing.

15:25-26 Jesus is crucified and the chief priests continue to mock Him... little do they know, they cannot kill Jesus.

15:27-28 Jesus was crucified with 2 others, criminals. The ridiculousness of the situation is highlighted: Jesus, humble and compassionate... next to 2 criminals. 

15:29-30 The corrupted people continue to gawk at and mock Jesus. All the wonderful, selfless work Jesus did and all these people can do is challenge Him. We know that Jesus could have left the cross at any time, without harm.

15:31-32 We know that God does not respond to tests. Our faith in God is beautiful because we give it with trust. Jesus will not respond to their hatred or teasing... they punished themselves by being so cruel. By going so contrary to everything God stands for, they reject all of the love and blessings He offers.

15:33 The geographic location goes dark as Jesus dies on the cross. 

15:34 Jesus quotes scripture... He is not saying these words Himself, He is quoting David from Psalms. Psalm 22. Jesus trusts God... He loves God... is is a manifestation of God. Jesus knows that in every moment God is with Him (and us). David writes this Psalm 22 as a psalm of the evolution of his faith. Jesus quotes this psalm to show us how beautifully God will enter our lives and change them. God leads us to happiness, productivity, love and compassion. God wants us to know that no matter where we are in life, or what we have done, He is there waiting to join with us. He waits for us to find Him so that He can care for us. David started out troubled and as He grew in faith with God... his life flourished. 

15:35-36 Elijah the prophet is mentioned. This is also written in scripture, Psalms 69:21. They continue to mock.

15:37 And so Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross.

15:38-39 The veil in the "holy" place of temple is ripped as Jesus died... this is God's divine intervention. God, the Creator of all, is in everything. The entire universe responds to him. The centurion is overcome with understanding in this moment... Jesus is truly of God.

15:40-41 Those who love Jesus were there with Him... but they were set aside from the wicked crowd. He was not without them.

15:42-45 Joseph claims Jesus' body so that it is handled with love and respect.

15:46 Jesus is prepared for burial -- we know that His burial would be irrelevant because He is always alive in God. Immediately we are with God upon leaving our earthly selves. 2 Corinthians 5:8. So many loved and followed Jesus, it was important to them that they showed their respect for Him, even and especially in apparent death.

Jesus was placed inside of a tomb and a rock enclosed the space where His body lay.

15:47 They were not ready to leave Him... they loved Him and likely they were so faithful to Him that they understood He was not truly "gone." Jesus reminded us of this when He transfigured during His time with the disciples. We do not have to fear death... God gives the compassionate eternal life.

Remain with God even when He is not visible to you. He is with you, always. He tells you so: Matthew 28:20.