9:1 Although God does discipline His children with tough-love, His ultimate plan is a restorative end to it. Jesus the Messiah is prophesied of in this ninth chapter; He is the light that shines through the dimness.
9:2 The people who have walked in darkness, that is, the people who have sinned or grieved or feared or fallen have been presented with the light of Jesus, the love and word of God.
9:3 Through Jesus, God's love and word come into the world and multiply the joy of the people. The number of people with good, restorative faith increases. Jesus' life brings joy because He teaches of the path and hope of God that have led so many to blessing.
9:4 God's word instructs us and leads us out of the chains that bind us; His love lifts our burdens from our shoulders. He guides us out of darkness, out from under heaviness, and straight through lethargy. He provides clear instructions on how to live righteously, productively, compassionately and His way revives our souls, changes the atmosphere around us, and leads us to new heights, new blessings, new places of opportunity.
9:5 Ultimately, there will be no need for war. God will bring everlasting peace to the earth. Jesus once told us that war and rumors of war must be for now, Matthew 24:6, while humanity exercises its free will. But those who freely, willingly decide here to live in God's kingdom, will experience war no more... and the instruments of war will become obsolete, good only as fuel for fire.
9:6 For Jesus came as a child and become the authority of humanity. And not only a righteous authority but also a "wonderful, counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
9:7 There will be no boundaries to the peace of God's kingdom, no end to its length. God will establish justice forever.
9:8-12 But at this point in Isaiah's story, God's children had gone rogue and caused much harm to each other. They arrogantly believed that they were not subject to repercussion or even the will of God. God promised, therefore, to ensure that they would be humbled, overtaken and thus stopped from their wicked behavior.
9:13-17 Even the leaders of the faith were corrupt, and there wicked-work caused the rest of the people to become worse. God promised to destroy from top to bottom, the entire corrupt system. He knew the wrongdoing of each man and woman and caused them to answer for it.
Indeed it angers God to witness His children cause harm to one another.
9:18-21 Their own in-fighting and cruel lifestyles would burn the children of Israel up from the inside. Unrighteous behavior always results in desperation, chaos, and destruction.