14:1 Despite our tendency to disobey and even disregard God, He still chooses us. He chooses us and He takes care of us. And such was the plan for Israel, even when they opposed Him. After a period of discipline to realign them with righteousness and their God, He planned to settle them once again.
14:2 Obedience to God, faith in Him, brings complete reversal to our desolate situations. We are freed by faith, literally and figuratively. Captives of no man, as children of God. God's presence provides the prosperity of peace.
14:3-8 Israel would receive rest and relief from their captive, Babylon.
14:9-11 They would witness the complete destruction of Babylon by God's hand. And in a prophetic sense, so will we. The whole earth will rest and praise God for His removal of the wicked.
14:12-15 These verses correspond with Revelation 12 and Ezekiel 28; Satan's pride and lust for power culminated in the biggest ever act of rebellion against God. It also resulted in God sentencing him to death for his corrupt plan for power.
14:16-17 God will put Satan and his acts on display so that humanity will know that Satan was never actually powerful at all.
14:18-21 Because of his unrepentant, consistently evil work, Satan will be removed from existence.
14:22-23 God will thoroughly remove the house of the wicked and those who uphold it.
14:24-27 Isaiah prophesied for the house of Israel as well as for the future, all wicked enemies destroyed. No man or nation can escape from the plan God has established.
14:28-32 Isaiah delivered a message to several corrupt nations, and also to the corruption at the end of times: destruction is scheduled for release.