Isaiah 11:1-16
11:1-2 This chapter prophesies the life and majesty of Jesus. Jesus who is the embodiment of the word of God, with the Spirit of God, wisdom,understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and reverence of the Lord. Jesus would be born through David's, the son of Jesse, lineage.
11:3-5 Jesus' delight is the revere the Lord. Without partiality or subjectivity, Jesus judges with righteousness. He powerfully delivers justice to the poor and meek. He powerfully destroys the wicked, corrupt, and cruel of the world. He is faithful to and righteous in the will of God.
11:6-9 When the Kingdom of God comes to earth, there will no longer be contentious spirits between anyone, even animals. The knowledge of God will subdue the wickedness from the whole earth.
11:10 And the whole earth will have Jesus... and will seek Him and find rest in His glorious presence.
11:11 The Lord will remember and recover His lost and scattered peoples.
11:12 He will gather His child and be a banner to them, beckoning them home.
11:13-16 Envy and dispersion will desist. Adversaries will lose their power and their voice. God will restore power to the righteous and the righteous, by God's power, will overcome the evil. It will be a clear and lighted path for those who, of their own volition, wholeheartedly choose to walk into the Kingdom of God... according to the will of the kingdom of God.