10:1-4 God assured punishment for the people who had corrupted society. They participated in deceit and theft, neglect and injustices. In the day of punishment, God knew that they would be caused to realize that their behavior could not save them... the wealth and power they had accumulated would not be enough. Then they would realize that their actions were ruthlessly nonsensical.
10:5-12 God was angry and indignant. He loves His children very much, therefore when someone harms them or corrupts the system of justice they are supposed to have, His anger is fierce. Though mighty nations arrogantly believed they were all-powerful, God promised to humble all who needed it.
10:13-14 God reads the hearts of the arrogant, corrupted ones and knows that they believe their own cleverness and strength is sufficient evade God's judgement and ensure their power and possession.
10:15-19 But such arrogance is ridiculous because no one can be mightier than their creator, God. God teaches that lesson to humanity in that ultimately, He humbles the proud and exalts the humble. God intended then (and intends now) to send a consuming and thorough fire on corrupt and evil souls.
10:20-23 God will separate the righteous from the unrighteous. And while the unrighteous disappear, the righteous will live with glorious dependence on God.
10:24-26 We are told not to fear; God wants us to understand that His anger is directly at the evil. The destruction that takes place will not harm or dismember in any way the people who live with righteousness and love for God.
10:27 God will release His innocently-imprisoned children; the heavy burden of ramifications of others' corrupt actions will be lifted.
10:28-32 But God warned the corrupt then, and warns the corrupt now, that their destruction was approaching, inevitable.
10:33-34 God's plan is to restore order, to take power from the corrupt and hand it to the righteous.