Psalm 95:1-11
95:1-5 A call to worship the Lord, our God who is our foundation and salvation. Our Father who is King over all, and creator of all. His work is beautiful and blessed. He has designed this earth and His kingdom for our well-being.
95:6-7 Indeed our God is worthy of our reverence; so let us bow down, let us submit our lives to His will, in gratitude and awe. We are the sheep; He is the shepherd: Throughout our entire journey we are provided for and protected by Him.
95:8-9 Let the voice and law and will of God be the authority in our lives. We must choose Him; choose to follow; choose to listen; choose to remain. In times of doubt and fear, hearts turn toward rebellion, as happened in the wilderness to the children of Israel. But the steadfast in faith trusted and were therefore led by God into the promised land.
95:10-11 The others perished in doubt, ingratitude and rebellion. They reject His ways and then forgot them and turned to iniquity. There is no rest for those who choose to live outside of the Kingdom. Fear and selfishness and greed create too much chaos for peace to exist.