101:1 This Psalm is comprised of promises to God, commitments to a righteous lifestyle. These declarations are the very same we should be making in our own lives:
I sing praises; I will speak of Your mercy and justice.
101:2 I will endeavor to be wise and perfect in behavior. As humans, we are quite far from perfection. But our effort to be good should be absolute. Our commitment should be steadfast. We should wait on the presence of God with a good heart.
God waits for us to make these commitments, to come to Him.
101:3-4 I will reject wickedness; instead, I will choose kindness and God's justice. And sometimes choosing kindness is difficult because the behavior of the people around us will sometimes be unkind. We have impulses of retaliation. We must trust God to mete the justice within our lives.
We must do so for God will not accept the wicked. He despises the work of the evil. They have no place in His kingdom.
101:5 I will support the meek and the just rather than the loud and powerful. I will not ingratiate myself with the arrogant, for self-centered perspective renders one ignorant of what truly matters.
For God is not impressed by the arrogant, in fact He will not allow them to continue.
101:6 God's healing, strengthening focus will always be on the faithful. He gathers His children to dwell with Him. He looks for those who strive for perfection in righteousness; He chooses those who serve in His compassionate purposes.
101:7-8 The deceitful will not enter the Kingdom of God. Quickly and entirely will God destroy the wicked for the serve no purpose in the eternal kingdom.