105:1-2 Live a life of gratitude. Life a life that is an example of the blessings of a relationship with God. Call to God, pray to Him, include Him in every aspect of your life. Praise and sing as you remain aware of His wonderful works; He created you and your soul and this whole planet.
104:3 Those who seek the Lord, wholeheartedly, rejoice. We rejoice because His grace and love fill in all the places the world has dug or harmed within us.
105:4 Therefore seek His strength; for when we are weak, He is strong for us, 2 Corinthians 12:10. His strength compensates for our weariness. Seek His face as the leader of our journey and as the destination as well. Seek to see Him in all circumstances; His philosophy of life always works even though we may be tempted another way.
105:5-6 Remember the Hand of God in scripture and in life; our remembrance of Him keeps us tethered to our faith. Continue to live in awe of His blessings and His creations; in gratitude for His perfect sense of justice. His compassion for His family.
105:7-12 He is our God; His kingdom and its judgments reign across the earth eternally. The covenant God made with Abraham extends even beyond our present. He has promised an inheritance for His faithful children, even though we were and are often a small and straggly bunch.
105:13-15 God protected the tribes of Israel, the first people to make a commitment to Him. His journey with them serves as an example of the journey we can have with Him: protection, provision, direction, and discipline. Most of all love and mercy, compassion and justice. When we commit ourselves to Him, we no longer belong to the world. The world loses its claim and authority of our lives. As children of God, the details of our lives are under His authority.
105:16-22 The tribes of Israel learned to depend exclusively on God. God exhibited that if the only thing we ever have is Him, we will be more than sufficiently cared for. God wants us to learn to trust Him through the history of other people who did: Joseph. Joseph retained his faith in difficult times and steadily, God lit up His life. God redesigned the entire situation to work for Joseph's benefit.
Like Joseph, God will free us. God will raise us up. God will create families for us. He will reunite and restore and bless. It seems impossible but nothing is impossible for our Lord. His compassion is endless and endlessly capable. Like Joseph, therefore, we must remain steadfast in faith. We must trust God enough to listen to Him and to be patient for His will. For when we commit ourselves to Him, it is His will that will determine the course of our lives. We can rest assured because God works all things for good and it is His good pleasure to present His children the kingdom: Romans 8:28; Luke 12:32.
105:23-25 Learn from Jacob; God strengthened him and his people so that they grew wiser, stronger, more efficient than their enemies. He taught them to deal with whatever matter cropped up.
105:26-36 The Lord emboldened Moses and Aaron to gather and lead a people out of captivity, even though they felt wholly inadequate for the job. Through their faith God performed signs and wonders in the land. God enabled so many seemingly impossible things to transpire; all of it a declaration of His authority. It is a great blessing to be a vessel through which God exhibits Himself as Lord.
105:37 Wealthy and strong and free. God enables His children to have many variations of those three things. Wealthy in faith and spirit and even life. Strong in body and mind and courage. Freedom from fear and enemy and all other chains. His work is amazing. His intention is compassion. He restores and lights and upholds us in ways we never anticipated. His methods are divine and incredible. Steadily He builds us and it is a beautiful process.
105:38 The people who tried to contain them were relieved to have them gone. God empowers us to the point where our enemies have absolutely no hold over us. Internal enemies, external enemies, they all lose their power over us when we determine God as the authority in our lives.
105:39-41 He was, and remains, a fire in the night. A cloud in the day. Our warmth and protection. He provided for the His people when they had no food or water; He provides for us when we are hungry. Hungry in belly, hungry in spirit, hungry in faith. Whatever provision we need, the Lord provides. He provides when we are thirsty for faith for motivation; whatever we need He opens the rock and it gushes into our lives more and better than we ever expected.
It was impossible before. It was unlikely before... but it is certain with God.
105:42-45 For our God is faithful to His holy promises. From the very first He made, He has been faithful. He leads us into joy and gladness. He provides us with a Home. A space to love Him, to listen to and learn from Him. To become better. To help others. To learn His philosophy and establish it in this world that so desperately needs it.
Praise the Lord.