94:1-3 This psalm, the book of Habakkuk and countless existential contemplation ask how long wickedness will seem to have free reign. It grows wearisome for righteousness to be trampled on by the evil choices and actions of some.
94:4-7 Across the globe and generation, humanity has had to witness and experience the repercussions of iniquity. Evil causes harm and chaos and it discourages many people from hope.
94:8-10 People are discouraged out of hope and even, often, God. But it is not God who has done wickedness. It is the choices of people that have caused harm. God has given humanity free will, and some people abuse their free will by abusing others. Now is our time on earth to declare who we are, and what we stand for, with our free will. But after this life on earth, our actions determine whether we continue to have life. Evil souls are destroyed without exception.
"He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see? He who instructs the nations, shall He not correct, He who teaches man knowledge?" This Psalm is a reminder that our God is the Creator of life... therefore He can also destroy it. And evil has been sentenced to death.
94:11-15 God hears the thoughts of humanity... and they are unproductive. We are often unproductive. God is focused on justice while we are often concerned with ourselves (even if not in an outright evil way). Therefore He is in control. He, God, who has perfect judgement and perception and direction.
Therefore, those who listen to and follow God are blessed. For His leadership is along the path of justice and peace. The righteous will receive rest after "the days of adversity." The wicked will be destroyed and gone forever.
94:16-19 In the meantime, we have protection and help and strength from God to persevere through the harm and chaos caused by the wicked. If not for God, the psalmist realized, he would have slipped. And so would we. Anxiety would overwhelm us. But God comforts us and delivers joy.
94:20-22 Without God, we would be crushed by evil. It's destructive nature would harm the world. But we have God and no force can penetrate His defense over and around us. He is our foundation and safe haven; and in times of stress and fear, we must remember that. From within the fortress of God, we are safe. We have the right and reason to hope.
94:23 The wicked will be cut off. We must remind ourselves of God promises to clear the earth of evil. We must read scripture in which He has shown us what He will do! 1 Corinthians 10:11 and Romans 15:4 are direct comfort and confirmation and example of God clearing the earth of evil.
Romans 15:4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.