Thursday, April 25, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 106

Psalm 106:1-48

106:1 Live a life of gratitude for the goodness of God; for we have His mercy to buoy is throughout our lives.

106:2-3 No force is comparable to our God. We do not even have power to enough to adequately praise Him. Yet blessed are we who do praise Him and learn righteousness from Him. Our commitment to justice tethers us steadfastly to our life source: God.

106:4-5 The Psalmist prays to be remembered by God with favor, to be visited by Him with His salvation. We pray to be in His thoughts for His plans are good. We pray to be in His presence, for He is strong and merciful and healing. 

God loves when we pray to Him, and especially when we pray to Him on others' behalf. The Psalmist wants not only to be a part of the family, the Kingdom, but to help uphold it. To rejoice within it. To inherit the glory that a commitment to righteousness brings.

106:6-7 Humanity has been imperfect, and that is an understatement. From the beginning, humans have sinned, committed iniquity and made wicked decisions. Even in scripture we see that God was taken for gratitude, ignored and rejected. They forgot Him; ingratitude caused them to stray from righteousness. 

106:8-12 Although we rebel and stray, God remains. And He remains committed to us. He still saves for God has a righteous purpose. He exhibits Himself as the creator He is. The ultimate. He shows us that He is not bound or limited by what we are bound and limited by. His mercy is limitless. His power is limitless.

In scripture God redesigned the world; He made the impossible possible. Just long enough to make the statement He intended to make, to declare Himself as the ultimate authority. He led and rescued and redeemed. He fought on behalf of His people. He showed them Who He was in order that they would know Him and choose His way. And for a time, they did. They praised.

106:13-15 But temptation and selfish, unchecked desire led them astray. Their commitment to righteousness wavered as instead they committed themselves to be slaves to greed and anger and lust. They frustrated God because He had given them everything, but many still succumbed to the wicked way. They allowed their greed and anger and lust to make decisions that contradicted God's law. They forgot that His way is peace and abundance.

106:16-18 Malicious envy and other wickedness was removed by God. He has evidenced that He will not allowed wickedness to exist. He burns it up into nothing.

106:19-23 They worshiped idols. So does humanity do now, as well. They worshiped images, we place value in images as well. In position. In wealth. In celebrity.  And as we worship idols, we forget our God. We commit ourselves to different things, none that actually feed our soul or teach us righteousness. Our faith dwindles into nothing as we descend into desperation and chaos for those things we have become slave to: wealth, power, position, lust.

Moses interceded for his people when they sinned with idols and God's mercy kept them alive. God's mercy is entirely responsible for humanity's continued existence. Humans do so much harm but God continues to see our potential, He continues to put in the effort to make us better people.

106:24 They took their blessings for granted. They did not trust in God's word. The Bible is our guide, given to us by God, and in order to be blessed by it, we must trust in it. 

106:25-27 We must not be like so many before us who rejected and complained. God is working to grow us into wiser, stronger, kinder people. It's a long and intricate process. We will experience growth pains along the way. But to trust in Him is to know it will be worth it. Another other way through life is cheap and regressive. But when we go against the will and word of God, we will be overthrown and scattered. Left in the wilderness we chose to wander into. Once there, we regress further into chaos or we use our experience there to climb out. Learning from our mistakes.

106:28-31 Humanity committed themselves to false gods and made sacrifices to dead things. But the true God is the God of life and such behavior makes Him angry. Wicked deeds frustrated Him so. But as humanity has sinned, so have many been righteous. And God's joy in righteous, compassionate acts is eternal. Through righteous, compassionate children, God has changed the world.

106:32-33 We have frustrated God. We have angered Him. We have disappointed Him. And the wicked and stubborn have frustrated and harmed agents of God's people. Even Moses lost his patience with humanity. 

106:34-39 The tribes of Israel turned to human sacrifice. They served idols. They became enslaved to sin. God wants us to understand that if we do not commit ourselves to righteousness in every thing that we do, unrighteousness will ensnare us. 

106:40-43 And God becomes angry when we allowed ourselves to be ensnared because there is no need for it. God has told us to resist evil and it will flee from us, James 4:7. God has provided a protected path, we need only to remain on it. 

106:44-46 Many times God saved His people; if we should fall or walk off of the path, all hope is not lost. We are always welcome Home, but righteousness is a requirement. We must reject all other ways of life. There is only one way and it is God's.

God hears our cries with pity and answers with compassion. He doles out mercy and remembers His covenant.

106:47 The Psalmist prays to be saved in order to give thanks and to praise. The deeper we grow in our relationship with God, the more our desire hones in on one thing: to love Him well. To praise Him always. 

"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
From everlasting to everlasting!
And let all the people say, 'Amen!'
Praise the Lord!"

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 105

Psalm 105:1-45

105:1-2 Live a life of gratitude. Life a life that is an example of the blessings of a relationship with God. Call to God, pray to Him, include Him in every aspect of your life. Praise and sing as you remain aware of His wonderful works; He created you and your soul and this whole planet. 

104:3 Those who seek the Lord, wholeheartedly, rejoice. We rejoice because His grace and love fill in all the places the world has dug or harmed within us. 

105:4 Therefore seek His strength; for when we are weak, He is strong for us, 2 Corinthians 12:10. His strength compensates for our weariness. Seek His face as the leader of our journey and as the destination as well. Seek to see Him in all circumstances; His philosophy of life always works even though we may be tempted another way.

105:5-6 Remember the Hand of God in scripture and in life; our remembrance of Him keeps us tethered to our faith. Continue to live in awe of His blessings and His creations; in gratitude for His perfect sense of justice. His compassion for His family.

105:7-12 He is our God; His kingdom and its judgments reign across the earth eternally. The covenant God made with Abraham extends even beyond our present. He has promised an inheritance for His faithful children, even though we were and are often a small and straggly bunch.

105:13-15 God protected the tribes of Israel, the first people to make a commitment to Him. His journey with them serves as an example of the journey we can have with Him: protection, provision, direction, and discipline. Most of all love and mercy, compassion and justice. When we commit ourselves to Him, we no longer belong to the world. The world loses its claim and authority of our lives. As children of God, the details of our lives are under His authority.

105:16-22 The tribes of Israel learned to depend exclusively on God. God exhibited that if the only thing we ever have is Him, we will be more than sufficiently cared for. God wants us to learn to trust Him through the history of other people who did: Joseph. Joseph retained his faith in difficult times and steadily, God lit up His life. God redesigned the entire situation to work for Joseph's benefit. 

Like Joseph, God will free us. God will raise us up. God will create families for us. He will reunite and restore and bless. It seems impossible but nothing is impossible for our Lord. His compassion is endless and endlessly capable. Like Joseph, therefore, we must remain steadfast in faith. We must trust God enough to listen to Him and to be patient for His will. For when we commit ourselves to Him, it is His will that will determine the course of our lives. We can rest assured because God works all things for good and it is His good pleasure to present His children the kingdom: Romans 8:28; Luke 12:32.

105:23-25 Learn from Jacob; God strengthened him and his people so that they grew wiser, stronger, more efficient than their enemies. He taught them to deal with whatever matter cropped up.

105:26-36 The Lord emboldened Moses and Aaron to gather and lead a people out of captivity, even though they felt wholly inadequate for the job. Through their faith God performed signs and wonders in the land. God enabled so many seemingly impossible things to transpire; all of it a declaration of His authority. It is a great blessing to be a vessel through which God exhibits Himself as Lord.

105:37 Wealthy and strong and free. God enables His children to have many variations of those three things. Wealthy in faith and spirit and even life. Strong in body and mind and courage. Freedom from fear and enemy and all other chains. His work is amazing. His intention is compassion. He restores and lights and upholds us in ways we never anticipated. His methods are divine and incredible. Steadily He builds us and it is a beautiful process. 

105:38 The people who tried to contain them were relieved to have them gone. God empowers us to the point where our enemies have absolutely no hold over us. Internal enemies, external enemies, they all lose their power over us when we determine God as the authority in our lives.

105:39-41 He was, and remains, a fire in the night. A cloud in the day. Our warmth and protection. He provided for the His people when they had no food or water; He provides for us when we are hungry. Hungry in belly, hungry in spirit, hungry in faith. Whatever provision we need, the Lord provides. He provides when we are thirsty for faith for motivation; whatever we need He opens the rock and it gushes into our lives more and better than we ever expected.

It was impossible before. It was unlikely before... but it is certain with God.

105:42-45 For our God is faithful to His holy promises. From the very first He made, He has been faithful. He leads us into joy and gladness. He provides us with a Home. A space to love Him, to listen to and learn from Him. To become better. To help others. To learn His philosophy and establish it in this world that so desperately needs it.

Praise the Lord.

Monday, April 22, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 104

Psalm 104:1-35

104:1-2 Our God is composed of honor and majesty. He has chosen light and creation. Everything He is and everything He does is good; and He stretches His goodness across the earth and heavens. 

104:3 All elements of earth and life and heavens are His creation, under His dominion. And with them: waters, clouds, winds, angels and fire, He weaves righteousness into the stream of life. 

104:5-9 He designed and built the earth, our beautiful and self-sustaining planet. He surrounded it by the deep universe; He filled the oceans and life up mountains out of the earth. And there is no force that can shake off the plan and philosophy He has determined for it. 

104:10-13 God has designed a world that, when appreciated properly, nourishes the life it hosts. The systems of winds and waters, the plants and sunlight... all of it contributes to God plan of life. All life, birds and trees and hills. All life is the fruit of God works.

104:14-15 Grasses for the animals, vegetation for humanity. Food from the earth for our bodies and food from God for our souls. The blood, the life's blood... symbolized by wine in scripture. The bread, the word of God. The oil, the anointing oil of God that makes us shine and thrive in righteousness. 

104:16-18 A place on earth for every creature. A source of food for every life. With intelligent compassion God designed this world for all of His creations. 

104:19-23 The moon for seasons, the sun for days. The darkness for night. The forests for the creatures. All seek their food from the design and Hand of God. We all have our places and our work here under the dominion of God.

104:24-26 Made with wisdom, God owns all of His incredible creations. The animals and ships in the seas. Living things large and small. He has created earth for all of it, all of us

104:27-30 All of the life on earth depend on God for sustenance. The planet does not provide food because of anything we do or any coaxing on our part. With the wisdom of His science, God has enabled us to be filled. Our planet blooms and thrives with life; our bodies are built and maintained by its elements, all of which we designed. With His spirit He created and with His spirit He will renew. 

104:31-32 The glory of our God endues forever. We rejoice in His beautiful works. The earth recognizes even just the gaze of its creator. The hand of God is in every detail of the earth. He arrayed the earth with beauty and compassion and provision. 

104:33-35 So like the psalmist, we make a commitment to praise God throughout our lives. While we have life and ability we choose to use our lives to honor His name. We meditate on what He teaches us; and we find comfort in the fact that the earth will not always host the wicked. God will remove and destroy evil. Therefore bless the Lord, O my soul!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 103

Psalm 103:1-22

103:1-5 There is a wide array of blessing available to claim as a child of God: forgiveness, healing, redemption, love and mercy, goodness and renewal. God provides all of the we need when they seem out of our control.

Through our relationship with Him, a tender yet disciplined process reestablishes us. He reroutes us, redefines our motivation and perspective, and strengthens our endurance.

103:6-10 Meanwhile, God upholds a kingdom of righteousness and has promised to bring it to earth. Scripture tells the story of God's interaction with humanity, as well as His ultimate plan for our world. He interacts with us with grace and mercy and patience, more resplendent than anything we have experienced before.

We make mistakes but God provides the chance and space for us to learn from them, to change and grow. The earth is very much a hands-on classroom; we have a kind and patient teacher, firm and principled. 

103:11-14 God is generous with His children because He understands our frame. He knows that we are susceptible to vulnerability, fear, greed and other temptations. He also knows that we are able to overcome those things with His guidance and example.

103:15-18 Our bodies are temporary but our Lord is forever; He reigns with righteousness with constancy. Our lives are tethered to eternity when our souls are tethered to Him that is eternal.

103:19 His authority is absolute and comprehensive. Established with permanence. God is our foundation in elements of time we cannot yet conceive of properly.

103:20-22 Praise God; do His word; heed His voice. With whole heart and soul praise the God whose dominion is in all places.

Friday, April 19, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 102

Psalm 102:1-28

102:1-2 It is one of the loveliest elements of life as a child of God: prayer for His presence is always answered with yes. An emphatic, immediate yes. To ask God to hear is to invite God to answer. His answers are steadfastly life-changing, circumstance-breaking, and heart-healing.

102:3-7 The Psalmist was in deep distress. His days were dark and his bones weary; his heart hurt. He felt so trampled by life that he lost sight of his faith, the bread that is the word of God.  And without firm faith, his circumstances were all the more troubling. He felt lost and deserted. 

So much of life has changed since this Psalm was written, but humans are very much the same. We experience the same weariness and depression. We allow fear and doubt and pain to steal our faith and then are left in a worse situation. But like the Psalmist, we can pray to God. For although we walked away from our faith and feel lost, God has always known where we are. He comes to us and rescues us from those weary places every time. Rescue, in those dark places, can feel impossible because hopelessness takes over our emotions. But all things are possible with God, Matthew 19:26.

102:8-11 Surrounded by enemies and ashes and tears, the Psalmist was ready to blame anyone. But we must not blame God because our God is good. Our free will and the free will of others sometimes leads us into places we would rather not be, but God brings us back from those places when we ask Him to... when we follow Him out of there. When we obey His commands to turn and walk and change. From a withered state He causes us to bloom.

102:12-17 From those withered places, reflect upon the might of God. The eternal length and strength of His heart. For contemplation of Him reminds us of the whole picture. It reminds us to see the details of His plans as they unfold around us and change the world around us. 

Like the Psalmist, contemplate the ultimate plan. The plan of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. The reconstruction of the order of life here in which justice and righteousness are foremost. The arrival of the Lord to regard the meek and impoverished and wearied. 

102:18-22 Scripture: written for a generation yet to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord. Our faith, spoken to and shared with others, exemplified in our behavior throughout life, enables generations to come to love the Lord. To know Him and to have their lives rescued and changed by Him. Because of this, our, God the prisoner is released. The weary are strengthened. The hungry are fed. The harmed are healed. The lost are rescued. 

As His faithful children we gather together in praise to serve the Lord. The more and more-often we do so, the more and more-often humanity and earth are healed.

102:23-28 Generations of souls are born and generations pass, but God is eternal. The earth changes but the heavens remain the same. Our creation has established righteousness forever. His hands executed the intricate details of His own design. The science that animated the universe and earth. The science that animated our own hearts and souls. And so as we are born, we hear Him and follow Him and join generations passed in praise of Him.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 101

Psalm 101:1-8

101:1 This Psalm is comprised of promises to God, commitments to a righteous lifestyle. These declarations are the very same we should be making in our own lives:

I sing praises; I will speak of Your mercy and justice.

101:2 I will endeavor to be wise and perfect in behavior. As humans, we are quite far from perfection. But our effort to be good should be absolute. Our commitment should be steadfast. We should wait on the presence of God with a good heart. 

God waits for us to make these commitments, to come to Him.

101:3-4 I will reject wickedness; instead, I will choose kindness and God's justice. And sometimes choosing kindness is difficult because the behavior of the people around us will sometimes be unkind. We have impulses of retaliation. We must trust God to mete the justice within our lives. 

We must do so for God will not accept the wicked. He despises the work of the evil.  They have no place in His kingdom.

101:5 I will support the meek and the just rather than the loud and powerful. I will not ingratiate myself with the arrogant, for self-centered perspective renders one ignorant of what truly matters. 

For God is not impressed by the arrogant, in fact He will not allow them to continue. 

101:6 God's healing, strengthening focus will always be on the faithful. He gathers His children to dwell with Him. He looks for those who strive for perfection in righteousness; He chooses those who serve in His compassionate purposes.

101:7-8 The deceitful will not enter the Kingdom of God. Quickly and entirely will God destroy the wicked for the serve no purpose in the eternal kingdom.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 100

Psalm 100:1-5

100:1-2 Praise and service, joy and gladness. The righteous love and wisdom of our God inspires us to gladly praise Him. Our service within the compassionate kingdom of God creates within us joy. Life is completely different within the service of the Kingdom of God; enemy and fear lose their power. Hope and compassion grow in strength.

100:3 Our God is our Shepherd; He feeds and protects and leads us. He has created us, so intricately... with so much care and attention to detail. He loves us, deeply. Those who seek and listen and learn become part of His pasture... and it is the safest place to ever be.

100:4-5 Remember gratitude. God is so faithful with everything we put in His hands. The more we trust Him, the more we put in His hands, the more of our life we commit to righteousness. And from within those strong and kind hands, we must remember to be thankful and the praise Him for all of the free gifts He has given... and given eternally.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 99

Psalm 99:1-9

99:1-3 The Lord reigns; the earth is under His authority. We praise our awe-inspiring God for He is holy. No other authority is perfect. No other authority is as pure and powerful as God's. Therefore He is worthy of praise. 

99:4-5 The Psalmist rejoices because God has established justice and righteousness. When we pray to God for His assistance, the circumstances and quality of our lives change. He helps us to establish good things, strong pillars and righteous plans.

99:6-7 The people of scripture are our example of God's faithfulness and divine ability. Until we experience it for ourselves, we learn from the lives of Moses and Aaron, Samuel and so many more. When we have experienced God's presence in our lives, we lean on scripture as reminder in our times of doubt and difficulty. God has always been... and always will be, faithful.

99:8-9 God takes care of His children as a wise and compassionate Father. He forgives and also disciplines. He wants us to feel loved; He also knows the importance of character growth. He protects us and answers our prayers. So we exalt Him because His love for us is comprehensive. We exalt Him because He is holy and without Him, we would have never experienced such absolute justice and righteousness. 

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 98

Psalm 98:1-9

98:1-3 Our reason to rejoice: God, who fulfills His promises. He enables our victories over enemies and fears; He saves our souls from corruption within and without. He has declared righteousness as the culmination of this life. He is merciful and impartial.His compassion prevails across the earth, giving access to all who wish to claim it.

98:4-6 Sing and praise like David, never losing sight of the fact the we have a good God who has promised God things. We have a God who is capable of the good things we hope and pray for throughout our lives. God is so faithful to us, He deserves our acknowledgement and praise of Him.

98:7-9 The whole earth sings and roars, filled with life by His creative hand. We praise because God's judgement has been promised; and with it, He will cleanse and heal humanity and the earth.

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 97

Psalm 97:1-12

97:1 The best way to wake up, go to sleep and to endure the day is to remember this statement: The Lord reigns. For because the Lord reigns, the earth and humanity within it have reason to rejoice and be glad. Throughout the day and night we can lean on the strength of our God and hope in His promises.

97:2-6 God appears as a mystery to those who do not seek, but to those who do, He is found to be Light. He is the strength and hope of our endurance on earth. The world has not declared justice and peace, humans make selfish and reckless decisions but God has declared righteousness and justice as the foundation of His kingdom. His kingdom, which will come to earth with absolute authority. 

God's authority will enforce justice across all of the earth and humanity. His presence will shake and reform the earth; the nations will bow to His reign and the evil will cease to exist. For the decisions humans make with their free will on earth will determine their eligibility to live in heaven. What is unjust and unrighteous will be burned up and excluded from life.

97:7-9 It is shameful to worship carved images and idols because inanimate objects are powerless. The idols of fame and wealth and power only corrupt the soul and subsequently, the world. This Psalm encourages us to divest ourselves of idol worship. Instead: devote our souls completely to the truth, to God who is powerful and righteous with His power.

97:10-12 When we love the Lord, we must hate evil. It seems simple but we must learn to reject things like wealth and fame, fear and anger. All of those things are masters that control our behavior. They cause us to act selfishly. They cause us to do more damage than good. They make us ignorant and unproductive. 

Conversely, the word of God teaches us to be selfless, wise, restorative, productive, perceptive. And all that He gives to us we share with others thus perpetuating justice and righteousness. Our contribution becomes a part of the foundation of the kingdom.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 96

Psalm 96:1-13

96:1-3 God is worthy of our continual praise. Every day we have a reason to rejoice because every day we have a God who strengthens and gives hope, provides and protects. As His children, we must proclaim the good news: His existence and authority, for it has changed our lives. 

96:4-6 All other "gods" are idols, things which tempt us away from the truth. They are things that hold us captive: greed and anger and fear. We must declare ourselves obedient to the true Creator and God of life in order to be free from such things that our bodies are susceptible to.  

96:7-9 We cannot be free to hope or pursue joy when within the confines of fear or greed or anger. God teaches us how to shed the worldly and grow the spiritual. He feeds our souls with love and righteousness, hope and joy. He makes us realize that we do not need to succumb to anger and fear and greed in order to find fulfillment or achieve our own justice.

In Old Testament days, people made physical sacrifices to God. Now we offer ourselves. We offer ourselves as obedient children. We offer our time and our resources to others as agents of the kingdom of God. As instruments of God's will. And we worship. We spend time just proclaiming and soaking in the majesty of our God. 

96:10 Our God creates life and sustains it eternally. No one can shake or move what He makes permanent. No one can rearrange the order He has established. His righteousness is solid; He is the firm foundation we, as His children, can rest and safely explore righteousness upon. 

96:11-13 All created things: souls and seas and trees and earth be glad. Rejoice. The field and that which fills the field has reason to be joyful because God establishes and fills. For He arrays with beauty. For He is coming back to us. For He has never truly left. And with Him comes justice and truth to crush and remove the injustice and deception that has plagued humanity. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 95

Psalm 95:1-11

95:1-5 A call to worship the Lord, our God who is our foundation and salvation. Our Father who is King over all, and creator of all. His work is beautiful and blessed. He has designed this earth and His kingdom for our well-being.

95:6-7 Indeed our God is worthy of our reverence; so let us bow down, let us submit our lives to His will, in gratitude and awe. We are the sheep; He is the shepherd: Throughout our entire journey we are provided for and protected by Him. 

95:8-9 Let the voice and law and will of God be the authority in our lives. We must choose Him; choose to follow; choose to listen; choose to remain. In times of doubt and fear, hearts turn toward rebellion, as happened in the wilderness to the children of Israel. But the steadfast in faith trusted and were therefore led by God into the promised land. 

95:10-11 The others perished in doubt, ingratitude and rebellion. They reject His ways and then forgot them and turned to iniquity. There is no rest for those who choose to live outside of the Kingdom. Fear and selfishness and greed create too much chaos for peace to exist.

Monday, April 8, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 94

Psalm 94:1-23

94:1-3 This psalm, the book of Habakkuk and countless existential contemplation ask how long wickedness will seem to have free reign. It grows wearisome for righteousness to be trampled on by the evil choices and actions of some. 

94:4-7 Across the globe and generation, humanity has had to witness and experience the repercussions of iniquity. Evil causes harm and chaos and it discourages many people from hope.

94:8-10 People are discouraged out of hope and even, often, God. But it is not God who has done wickedness. It is the choices of people that have caused harm. God has given humanity free will, and some people abuse their free will by abusing others. Now is our time on earth to declare who we are, and what we stand for, with our free will. But after this life on earth, our actions determine whether we continue to have life. Evil souls are destroyed without exception. 

"He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see? He who instructs the nations, shall He not correct, He who teaches man knowledge?" This Psalm is a reminder that our God is the Creator of life... therefore He can also destroy it. And evil has been sentenced to death. 

94:11-15 God hears the thoughts of humanity... and they are unproductive. We are often unproductive. God is focused on justice while we are often concerned with ourselves (even if not in an outright evil way). Therefore He is in control. He, God, who has perfect judgement and perception and direction. 

Therefore, those who listen to and follow God are blessed. For His leadership is along the path of justice and peace. The righteous will receive rest after "the days of adversity." The wicked will be destroyed and gone forever.

94:16-19 In the meantime, we have protection and help and strength from God to persevere through the harm and chaos caused by the wicked. If not for God, the psalmist realized, he would have slipped. And so would we. Anxiety would overwhelm us. But God comforts us and delivers joy. 

94:20-22 Without God, we would be crushed by evil. It's destructive nature would harm the world. But we have God and no force can penetrate His defense over and around us. He is our foundation and safe haven; and in times of stress and fear, we must remember that. From within the fortress of God, we are safe. We have the right and reason to hope. 

94:23 The wicked will be cut off. We must remind ourselves of God promises to clear the earth of evil. We must read scripture in which He has shown us what He will do! 1 Corinthians 10:11 and Romans 15:4 are direct comfort and confirmation and example of God clearing the earth of evil.
Romans 15:4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

Monday, April 1, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 93

Psalm 93:1-5

93:1-2 Some important declarations: God is majestic; God is strength; His Kingdom cannot be moved (altered or threatened); His throne and reign are ancient and eternal.

93:3-4 The earth itself praises its creator in its own way. The sounds of the earth are praise to the Lord; the sounds of His wisdom at work, made alive. Consider the powerful rush of water, our God is compared to it. Stronger. Fiercer. More beautiful.

93:5 Our God is solid. His promises are fulfilled. God and the kingdom of God are holy... pure, separate from worldliness and corruption. Forever.