73:1-3 The Psalmist opened the psalm with an expression of self-awareness. He knows what God expects from His children but admits that his behavior had been (almost) contradictory to it.
Time changes, culture evolves, technology increases, but humans are still prey to envy. Because the corrupt are willing to cheat, threaten, use, evade and any other method to succeed, they frequently become prosperous. It can be difficult for an honest, hard-working person to see that happen. It certainly was difficult for the Psalmist, who admitted that it bothered him and nearly caused him to slip off of the righteous path himself.
73:4-9 It can seem as though there are no repercussions for their actions; indeed it can seem like they have no worries or barriers in life. It only seems that way because their lack of empathy and sense of justice blinds them from the barriers other people face.
73:10-14 People who have compassion have more difficult emotions to deal with in life because they have more on their heart. Truly God prefers us to be active in our poverty than at ease in richness. He prefers us to be humble, hard-workers; and when we are, He provides what we need to survive and persist and have joy. We have the abundance of His love and support, an abundance of life whereas the corrupt have limited everything. For them, all of their things, the whole of their life is temporary and even shameful.
73:15-17 The Psalmist had a hard time witnessing the success of the wicked... so he brought his pain and turmoil to the sanctuary of God. Whenever there is something that bothers us or does not seem to make sense or have justice, it is prudent for us to bring it to God. To pick ourselves and our concerns up and arrive at God's door. He helps us to understand and carry our burdens.
When the Psalmist did that, then he understood. Before consulting God, he was on the verge of joining the wicked. He was about to abandon righteousness. But before making any decisions, he had a conversation with God. Our whole lives change when we commit ourselves to conversations with God. We make better, more informed decisions.
73:18-20 The truth is that the corrupt person's reign and position is precarious. Unstable. Sentenced, already to destruction by God. The terror they cause is what ultimately consumes them. They live as if there are no consequences or barriers but the end of their life is the consequence as they speed toward a barrier, a wall. They hit it and do not survive it.
73:21 The Psalmist expresses that he was sorrowful... he was angry and anxious. And envious. And because of the flare of those emotions, he was as foolish and ignorant as a beast. He temporarily considered joining the corrupt person. He nearly let those emotions cause him to abandon a righteous lifestyle for a corrupt one.
73:22-24 But because of a conversation with God, he was saved. And that is what God constantly does for the children who constantly consult Him: He saves. His guidance, wisdom, love and supports keep us from self-destructing. He saves us from being torn down by envy, greed and other emotions out of the basket of corruption.
73:25-26 Therefore, the Psalmist prayed. Because God is so beautiful, so generous. He is impossible made real. Because of the brightness of His light, strength of His love and truth of His wisdom, the Psalmist realized that the only thing he truly desired was the relationship with God that he already had.
The corrupt gains of the wicked cannot compare to what we have in God. Our God, who is the strength of our heart. God who is our reward, Lord and Savior.
73:27 The wicked think they are in a utopia but their success is a mirage. It is not real. It will not remain. They are in desert lands, wasting away. Far from the water, the Living Water, Jesus and word of the Lord. They are perishing even as they live. Their souls are thirsting, even as they drink. They draw from the wrong well and it does not sustain them.
73:28 They draw from the wrong while as we draw from our God. As we draw near to God. Our surroundings may at times may look like wastelands but God leads us toward the garden. Every day. Every moment, our relationship and conversations with Him lead us into His kingdom.
So, like the psalmist, we put our trust in God and we declare His works. Because He saves and leads and we are grateful.