Psalm 76:1-12
76:1-3 God's imprint is on the lives of His children. Our existence alone is proof of His handiwork. And to those of us who acknowledge Him, we notice the love and precision with which He has created all things. He has established His kingdom in our midst and has welcomes us in. His sanctuary is one of perfect justice and protection.
76:4-6 The strength of our Father out-powers the so-called powerful on earth. We can trust that God's will will override the machinations of anything, anyone else. When we pray for our Father's will over our life, we can trust that justice will triumph.
76:7-9 God executes perfect judgement; God delivers the oppressed; and no thing, person, force or institution can challenge Him.
76:10 God's judgement on the earth will be praised for its fairness.
76:11-12 The Psalmist calls us to be faithful to the vows we make to God, to revere Him and to live with active gratitude. The gifts we make to God are, most profoundly, when we dedicate our time and talent, energy and heart to people who lack what we have.