Psalms 77:1-20
77:1-3 The Psalmist declarations are a testimony. As God promised would happen, Matthew 7:7, we find Him when we seek Him. Though we may feel far away, when we reach out to Him, He places Himself within our grasp. When we are troubled and overwhelmed and uncomfortable, we must reach out to Him. To our peace, that calms all of our storms.
77:4-6 There should be effort in faith; the psalmist searched diligently and meditated on his heart, his life, his soul.
77:7-9 All manner of thoughts ran through his head, even the hopeless thoughts, as they often do.
77:10-12 But ultimately, the psalmist chose hope... because the Psalmist chose faith in God. Like him, we also should make sure we remember who our God is, His character and the promises He has made. We should meditate on all of the things He has taught us, we should emulate His good works. Those things will lead us to praise.
77:13-15 As we consider Him, we find that He is good. We find that He is peace and strength and wisdom and order. We remember that our God is a redeemer and we praise Him for it. He is our rescue and our support, every single time we require them. He is our
77:16-20 God created the Earth and thus even the Earth obeys His commands. He is in full control, and that fact should enable us to persevere. Because if God is in full control, the enemy is not. The fear is not. The hopelessness is not in control. God is in control and He has plans and purpose for every one of His faithful children. The basis of His plans are always good.