72:1-4 For himself, the king asked for judgement. The king asked God to instruct him and to discipline him. He did so because he knew that God's judgement is a light and a path. It corrects and supports. It also leads, for God's commandments beckon us forward into the kingdom and away from the detritus that distracts and draws us away.
But for the world, for humanity, the king prayed for Jesus. As the embodiment of righteousness, Jesus does and will bring peace and justice. He is the savior of the poor of the people. The people who are poor in spirit, poor in strength, poor in the world. Jesus exists as our chain-breaker; freeing us from all forms of enslavement.
72:5-7 Jesus has been established eternally by God. The sun will rise and the moon will curve through the sky, every day and night, through every generation, Jesus will reign. The abundance of His compassion and righteousness will endure longer than anything else; will bloom brighter than any plant.
72:8-11 Abundant and comprehensive is His righteousness. He will be revered and served across the entire earth. Humanity will cherish His dominion, as He will put wickedness and chaos, grief and pain to sleep, forever.
With their dominion over the world, humans have caused disparity and injustice. Our dominion therefore will not last. We cannot be trusted with it, we are not smart or strong and selfless enough to deserve it. But Jesus is, and thus humanity has been given to Him. Dominion is His.
72:12-14 Jesus will be served because humanity will love to serve Him. Our love for Jesus is and will be authentic because He is the one who delivers us. His heart empathizes with our sorrow and heals it. He helps and provides and saves and redeems. Though we are so often harsh and unappreciative, we matter to Him. He has adopted us and our cause; even though we benefit so much more than He does from the adoption.
72:15 For His love we will respond with love and praise, prayer. We will live with gratitude and dedication. We will live to love and emulate our precious savior.
72:16 Strife and lack will be replaced, by Him, with joy and abundance. Jesus' selfless nature has been given the keys to the storehouses of the fruits of righteousness and God's provision. He has chosen to open those storehouses to us.
72:17 Jesus forever. And therefore: blessing eternal.
72:18-20 The psalmist understood, with gratitude, the nature of our God. Live with praise in your heart; understand that our God is justice and righteousness and compassion. Everything He does is wise and for good. Forever. He is worthy of the whole earth's glorification of Him, for His nature is kind and He has provided a Savior.