Thursday, January 10, 2019

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 68

Psalm 68:1-35

68:1-3 God's presence scatters and disintegrates the evil while simultaneously gathering and restoring the just. 

68:4 It was a characteristic of David to frequently encourage us to praise our good and mighty God. This verse uses the word YAH or JAH to name God, also known as Jehovah. It is a sacred and vehement form of the word God. Jehovah meaning: the existing One. 

It is so important to contemplate not just God's presence in our lives but also the character of His presence. Our God is alive and His Holy Spirit is attentive and engaged in our every day lives. 

68:5-6 Our God has always made Himself available to the orphans and widows, literal and figurative. He is a home and a family to all people who are/feel alone. Because of Him, we are connected to an everlasting family. Because of Him, we have the support and guidance that we might not always have access to in the world.

God makes Himself available to the poor and enslaved. The literal poor, the figurative. The literal slave, the figurative. By His love and guidance, we are set free from all bondage, including our internal trials. 

Yet the rebellious, those who do not align themselves with God's compassionate philosophy walk themselves right into barren lands. They do not have the hope or help our God provides because they rejected it. 

68:7-10 Scripture provides us example of God's faithfulness and power in our lives. When we are weary and scorched He provides rest and healing. When we are weak, He provides strength. When we thirst, He provides precisely what we need to be quenched.

68:11-14 At God's word, powerful things happen: destruction, protection, provision, cleansing. 

68:15-16 There is no kingdom stronger or more prominent than God's kingdom. This hill or mountain of Bashan means fruitful. And surely all works of righteousness are fruitful. The righteous yield because of the provision of God.

68:17-18 God's army is vast and has His strength. In it's midst is Him, God, fighting for us and against injustice and cruelty. Claiming the victory, crushing the enemy.

68:19-20 Not only does God provide life-eternal to His children, He also provides for us while we are alive here on earth. And He is an abundant provider, as David says: Who daily loads us with benefits. Every day of our lives God ensures provision specific to the moments we require it. He loads us with benefits; His love is not scarce. 

68:21-23 It should be a comfort to us that God responds to evil with righteous indignation. We know the gentle and fatherly side of our God but He is still a fierce father. Powerful and active. Though the evil flee, He catches them and draws them back for judgement. He ensures that their crimes are faced. 

68:24-27 The houses of Israel and Judah will praise God. All who are welcomed into the family will praise God. For the houses of Israel and Judah have been scattered across the earth; our kin are everywhere. Our kin are whosoever loves God. And those who love God will praise Him because He is worthy. He has rescued and helped, restored and established us throughout our lives and so we praise.

68:28-31 The righteous will be solidified, but the unrighteous deconstructed, scattered and enfeebled.

68:32-35 Sing and praise. Acknowledge God's strength and excellence. Live a life of gratitude because He shares His strength and power with us so that we will be safe and healthy and happy. Blessed be our compassionate God.