69:1-3 David was not hesitant to be honest and vulnerable with God. Although David was crying, he cried as he waited for God. He knew that his sadness was temporary; he knew that his barrier was sentenced to destruction; he knew that his path would be cleared. He knew that all of those things would happen because in faith, he waited on God. The wait was not easy, but neither was it something David was willing to abandon.
69:4 David was wrongly accused and unfairly targeted; from David's situation we learn to ask ourselves whether we believe that God is willing and able to establish (or restore) justice in our life against our adversaries. In the New Testament, Jesus was several times glad to find people who believed Him capable.
Matthew 9:27-31
And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us. And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. And their eyes were opened;...It is through our faith that we are blessed and helped and healed.
69:5-12 David was self-aware; he knew that he had made mistakes and he prayed that none of his mistakes would tarnish God's reputation. As followers of Jesus, we are representatives of God. Our behavior has specific influence. However, none of us are able to be perfect. Like David, we pray for God's forgiveness and assistance in becoming better.
69:13 Chaos surrounded David and often surrounds our world, but ultimately, peace is found when we look exclusively to God in prayer and faith.
69:14-15 We are pulled from the mire because of the strength of God's grasp on our lives; and His grip is a tight as our faith. Patience in faith is our buoy through all rough waters. Communication is important; we must keep our relationship with God alive and active in every moment of our lives. David prayed and prayed and so much we.
69:16-18 Hear me, turn to me... David asked God in prayer. David prayed for God's presence and the restoration He brings with Him. God hears and answers every prayer, and He is actively present whenever a child of His calls for Him. Jesus Himself promised always to be with us, Matthew 28:20. God is always with us and always willing to act on our behalf; our relationship with Him enables that constant protection and consistent power.
69:19-21 God sees our whole life and whole self. He is aware and invested in healing our broken hearts, lifting our burdens and demolishing our adversaries. Nobody takes care of us the way our Father does; and though some may respond to us with harsh treatment, God always provides what we truly need to heal.
In Matthew 27:34, Jesus also was given vinegar. Jesus rejected it. We must also reject what the world offers us.
69:22-28 David prayed for that destruction of the wicked. He prayed for their plans to fail and God's righteous indignation to respond to their actions. Indeed God has a book of names, and only the righteous remain in it. The others are blotted out... erased from existence.
Revelation 21:27
And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
69:29-33 Poor and sorrowful, David praised. Poor and sorrowful, David prayed. Rich and happy, David prayed. David's relationship with constant, alive in every moment. Because of David's steadfast faith, whenever he had lapses or made mistakes, he always returned to God and was disciplined, healed, restored.
We are heard by God no matter what our circumstances, poor or rich, free or enslaved, happy or sad. He cares about us. Seek Him and live. A good life, a productive life. An eternal life. Live with gratitude and self-awareness, pursue His principles. Exhibit His characteristics. Express compassion. Submit to His compassionate discipline. Praise.
69:34-36 Praise the One who loves you more and better than anyone else. David called for the whole earth to praise God, our savior and spiritual sustenance. God our life-giver, life-healer, life-saver. He has built a fortress, a kingdom for us, His family, to safely reside.