I Timothy 4:1-16
4:1 Paul foreshadow's humanity's future: people losing the core message of this philosophy and adopting wayward faiths.
4:2 One massive way to make faith "wayward" is hypocrisy. Paul predicts that people will become unknowing students of hypocritical religious leaders with selfish and corrupt motives. We were forewarned of this in the Gospel chapters (In example: Luke 20:46, Mark 12:38).
4:3 It is common in our world today for people to turn away from even exploring faith because of the rigid rules and judgmental nature of present-day teaching. The core message of love is lost.
4:4 Ultimately, Paul explains, nothing done with love and gratitude is judged as a sin by him. We makes mistakes but our good-intentions define us. God created this earth for us to explore and He created these bodies for us to explore earth with... He knows of our fallibility and not only does He understand, He continues to love us.
4:5 Some churches and ideologies teach that all people are destined for eternal torture if they do not accept some very specific rules and religious regulations. Paul warns of the toxicity of that method. God created all of His children and loves all of His children; He is patient with each of our individual paths of faith and expression of faith.
4:6 "Nourished on the truths of the faith..." Paul's advice to Timothy is to let God's love and instruction flow through him, healing, correcting, guidance and comforting him as he navigates through life as a child of God and also a fellow-worker of God.
4:7 Paul's advice continues as he reminds Timothy to disentangle spiritual truths from myths and tales... to always be rooted in God's word.
4:8-9 We are here on earth in physical bodies and it is understandable that during our journey here we might believe things that this experience teaches us... but those things are not always good or true. For example, a series of difficult events might influence us to believe that life is unfair or that we must step on others to elevate ourselves... Paul wants us right now to dedicate ourselves to God's way. He created this place and this experience and thus we can trust that He knows the most about it. The correct path is kindness, God teaches us... and though a circumstance here might inspire us to feeling differently, the godly method is the one which is going to propel us forward.
4:10 We labor and strive in our patient hope and work with God because His philosophy of life agrees with our hearts, minds and souls. God is the savior of all people but not just after this life... it is during this life that He does so much of His compassionate work on you. Life here can be difficult and confusing, unpredictable and scary... through your faithful and trusting connection with Him, He is able to dismantle that negativity in your life.
4:11-12 Paul encourages Timothy (and us) to be bold about expressing our passionate faith. As a soul created by God, Timothy (and you) have the right, the privilege, the blessing, the opportunity, the responsibility of proclaiming and expressing your truth.
We set an example, display an example to the rest of humanity by:
- How we conduct ourselves as we live and interact with people and circumstances
- How we love others
- How we express and maintain our faith
- How purely, honestly, authentically we think, speak and act
4:13 Devote yourself to your purpose and your potential. For Timothy specifically, Paul encouraged him to embrace his apostleship. The purpose might be different for you but the advice is the same: devotion to your cause.
4:14 "Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy..." Take ownership of your life, your ability to be and to express and to make an impact on the world. Following God is a personal choice; He has given us the complete freedom to make our own choices and establish our own values... grasp that opportunity and fulfill your potential and your purpose.
4:15 Be diligent and wholehearted in passionate faith in order to give to humanity your truth. The people around you are able to see the changes and growth within you as you delve deeper into your relationship with God. Your truth inspires people to create their own.
4:16 Be consistent with your truth in order to never confuse or dishearten the people around you with hypocrisy. What you think, say and do must be equal. If you are honest with yourself and others, you save yourself from disorder and the discontent it breeds.