Hebrews 2:1-18
2:1 One of scripture's greatest and most frequent implorations is for each soul to be present, to be focused, to be passionate and unwavering. We are each called to determine and establish our values, rooted in the foundation of compassion, and to defend, promote, inspire, encourage, ensure that those values are manifested on the earth. Do not drift away from this philosophy of faith, this philosophy which guides with humble wisdom and without selfish objective.
2:2 If the guideline of compassion existed even in the early days of humanity, certainly it exists now in these ages of spiritual awareness. This epistle to the Hebrews promotes the life of Jesus as being essential in the development of faith. The reason is because Jesus's philosophy brought to humanity a new and more comprehensive ability understand the spiritual, the life pre-dating and post-dating this one.
2:3 How shall we escape.... what? How shall we escape chaos, confusion, stagnation, ignorance, injustice? How shall we escape that which has power over us in the world if we do not acknowledge, claim and adhere ourselves to the power of Creation which is proffered to each of us?
Rather than a tiresome duty, spirituality is a personal and intricate gift. Spirituality is an intimate gift because its wisdom. comfort and power becomes tethered to our lives: joys, sorrows, tribulations, and experiences when we allow and welcome its presence.
2:4 Never doubt that signs, wonders, miracles and gifts still remain and are given. To those who are spiritually awakened, spiritually developing, spiritually listening and observing, creation is speaking. God is intricately intertwined in the lives of those who have invited Him in. No matter what conception of God you have, He, It is with you. Guiding. Gifting. Comforting. Loving.
2:2 If the guideline of compassion existed even in the early days of humanity, certainly it exists now in these ages of spiritual awareness. This epistle to the Hebrews promotes the life of Jesus as being essential in the development of faith. The reason is because Jesus's philosophy brought to humanity a new and more comprehensive ability understand the spiritual, the life pre-dating and post-dating this one.
2:3 How shall we escape.... what? How shall we escape chaos, confusion, stagnation, ignorance, injustice? How shall we escape that which has power over us in the world if we do not acknowledge, claim and adhere ourselves to the power of Creation which is proffered to each of us?
Rather than a tiresome duty, spirituality is a personal and intricate gift. Spirituality is an intimate gift because its wisdom. comfort and power becomes tethered to our lives: joys, sorrows, tribulations, and experiences when we allow and welcome its presence.
2:4 Never doubt that signs, wonders, miracles and gifts still remain and are given. To those who are spiritually awakened, spiritually developing, spiritually listening and observing, creation is speaking. God is intricately intertwined in the lives of those who have invited Him in. No matter what conception of God you have, He, It is with you. Guiding. Gifting. Comforting. Loving.
2:5-8 We are redirected in this verse and Psalm 8:4-6 from worshiping saints (and angels) for we and even they are under the supreme and ethereal governance of Jesus, of the manifestation of compassion Itself.
2:9 The unprecedented and unmatched selflessness of Jesus' life have awarded Him reign over all life. There are no safer hands for life to be in.
2:9 The unprecedented and unmatched selflessness of Jesus' life have awarded Him reign over all life. There are no safer hands for life to be in.
2:10 For creation has determined that humanity could best be inspired by a life of complete humility, compassion and faith. Therefore, the master of humility, compassion and faith has been made the cornerstone of humanity.
2:11 Jesus is an inspiring guide because He navigated life with love rather than enforced-authority (although He certainly had both). Those who walk and bask under the warmth of His love become of Him, His spirituality.
2:12-13 Jesus, his followers and Creation are one in that we all are happily, humbly and proudly enveloped in the same philosophy of compassion. Borrowing from the Old Testament for corroboration as well as the uniting of the New and Old Testament, Psalm 22:22, 2 Samuel 22:3, and Isaiah 8:17-18 are referenced.
2:14 Jesus's life purpose was to exemplify to humanity that Life has power over Death, Good over Evil, Light over Darkness, Justice over Injustice. Jesus showed that complete humility and compassion lead inevitably to spiritual life.
2:15 Jesus's life purpose was to embolden us against fear, which only has power over us all long as we allow it to.
2:16 Jesus came in human form as we humans are his charges. He can relate to us because he has been where we are, as we are. Although it surely would have been easier and more pleasant to direct humanity from Spirit, Jesus sought the personal connection of having endured exactly as we endure. The reason is because Jesus was not here to help angels, he was here to help us specifically (the ancestors of Abraham -- which comprises now the world's population).
2:17 He did His research, so to speak. He immersed Himself in this vulnerable life so that He would be able to fairly and wisely lead all of us toward the invulnerable life.
2:18 Jesus experienced this life in human form on earth in order that He would be able to precisely understand and relate to our own lives here. Having been here Himself, He is informed of the challenges (as well as the joys) we have here and can therefore expertly navigate us through them.
2:11 Jesus is an inspiring guide because He navigated life with love rather than enforced-authority (although He certainly had both). Those who walk and bask under the warmth of His love become of Him, His spirituality.
2:12-13 Jesus, his followers and Creation are one in that we all are happily, humbly and proudly enveloped in the same philosophy of compassion. Borrowing from the Old Testament for corroboration as well as the uniting of the New and Old Testament, Psalm 22:22, 2 Samuel 22:3, and Isaiah 8:17-18 are referenced.
2:14 Jesus's life purpose was to exemplify to humanity that Life has power over Death, Good over Evil, Light over Darkness, Justice over Injustice. Jesus showed that complete humility and compassion lead inevitably to spiritual life.
2:15 Jesus's life purpose was to embolden us against fear, which only has power over us all long as we allow it to.
2:16 Jesus came in human form as we humans are his charges. He can relate to us because he has been where we are, as we are. Although it surely would have been easier and more pleasant to direct humanity from Spirit, Jesus sought the personal connection of having endured exactly as we endure. The reason is because Jesus was not here to help angels, he was here to help us specifically (the ancestors of Abraham -- which comprises now the world's population).
2:17 He did His research, so to speak. He immersed Himself in this vulnerable life so that He would be able to fairly and wisely lead all of us toward the invulnerable life.
2:18 Jesus experienced this life in human form on earth in order that He would be able to precisely understand and relate to our own lives here. Having been here Himself, He is informed of the challenges (as well as the joys) we have here and can therefore expertly navigate us through them.