I Timothy 6:1-21
6:1 Paul explains that we should give our most authentic and focused effort in everything that we do (including our jobs). We should respect hard work and should discipline ourselves to be timely, studious and attentive.
6:2 We should not resent anyone for their position. Instead, we should work together, and learn from each other in the process. We should represent ourselves and our faith with our best effort and best attitude in every take we undertake and interaction we participate in.
6:3-5 Paul encourages us to withdraw ourselves from: arrogant pride, obsession, disputes, envy, strife, insulting and abusive behavior, evil, paranoia, nonsensical arguments, untruth, and greed. We cannot have internal peace and clarity if we give ourselves and our attention to the aforementioned. They will never lead us out of darkness, suffering or confusion.
6:6 The great gain that is the internal peace and clarity that we all seek is prodded out by our contentment. Contentment with ourselves and our lives.
6:7 Contentment is having the gratitude and humility to love ourselves and life without needing material wealth, power or fame to do so. All that we need to survive and be happy is in the package that is our soul. God sent us to earth with every tool we needed to learn and grow here. The development of our souls is all that we will bring with us when we depart from the earth.
6:8-9 It is reasonable to want to have food and clothing (basic life essentials here on earth) but Paul cautions against greed. Greed can develop quickly and quietly: humans desire and continue to do so the more that they acquire.
Greed is our ultimate downfall as it encompasses all of our worst traits: selfishness, desire, obsession, pride... and on and on. Our souls are hungry and pleading for nourishment and many make the mistake of believing that a certain material will satisfy that hunger. But we must understand our souls and what they hunger for: compassion, love, justice, wisdom, truth. If we feed our souls the right nourishment, we have a lasting, bold contentment that cannot be bought by anything else.
Paul uses interesting language here: we pierce ourselves with sorrow when we devote ourselves to a corrupted thing. Look at this beautiful universe... none of it was done with or relies on money. God wants you to understand that He can care for you better than any material can.
6:11 God's children, those who are spiritually awakened are on a journey in pursuit not of money but of these: righteousness, godliness, faith, love patience, and gentleness. Through their journey they find all of the guidance, comfort and contentment that the greedy search tirelessly for but never find.
6:12 Battle for justice in every moment, every day of your life. Fight the good fight of faith meaning fight for justice, compassion, patience, truth and wisdom for all life. You were divinely placed here and this opportunity was given to you to take hold of. If you have professed your belief in this philosophy, express it in everything that you do.
6:13-14 Represent the faith well. At all times be conscious of what your words, thoughts and behavior is expressing to others. You can inspire people to seek their own spiritual awakening, or even to deeper their faith. Likewise poor behavior can derail another person... you have responsibility here, grasp it and honor it.
6:15-16 Prepare for the moment when you meet the Life inside of you. Be able to greet that profoundly gracious and wise Light with familiarity... as a fellow worker of Its compassion. The essence of Life, the Creation of Life is honorable and everlasting and if you are going to tether yourself to something, it might as well be that.
6:17 Instructions for Paul on what to do with our surplus. First and foremost remain humble, remembering that things of value come from God and exist in manifestations of LIFE not wealth.
6:18 Do good work. Like is true for all of God's children, whatever you possess that someone else does not (wealth, opportunity, space, friendship, etc), share it with those who are in need that they may also flourish.
6:19 Good, compassionate works here on earth purchases true wealth (pure, happy, wise, everlasting life) in Spirit. Establish a foundation of faith, the connection with guides you toward true wealth: God's love.
6:20-21 Finally, remain committed to your passionate faith and personal values. You were entrusted with so much down here, be trustworthy with it. Do not become encumbered by distractions, anger, gossip and the general chaos of the world. Stay focused.