Ephesians 1:1-23
1:1 Paul begins an epistle to the people of Ephesus (modern-day Turkey). In his greeting Paul states that because God has ordained it so, he is an active participant of the faith and student of Jesus. When we give our trust and diligence to our faith, we know that our lives run in accordance with our compassionate Creator's will.
1:2 From our Creator we receive grace and peace; each tangibly manifest in our lives and within our souls when we open the channel of faith. We are each connected to the spirit of Creation (God), life superseding this one, but it is our choice and action which must open the gate to allow access into our lives.
1:3 Paul fills this first chapter with gratitude to God. Overwhelmed by the abundance of blessings which flow into our lives through our faith, it is imperative that we make time to acknowledge, thank and bask in the wonderment.
1:4-6 Paul acknowledges the eternal planning and organization of God, who knew us before we even manifested with life, heart and lungs and thought. Paul acknowledges God's hand in our lives not just in the present moment but also in moments we were not (or are not yet) aware of.
God knew of our fallibility before we ever even made a mistake. In anticipation of that, with patience and compassion, God created this classroom, this earth and these opportunities for us to learn and grow. He did not discard us when he realized we were a little bitter, he focused only on our ability to become sweet.
1:7 Through this faithful philosophy of live, we rescue and free ourselves... and subsequently are able, willing and passionate about rescuing and freeing others. We are able to forgive ourselves, we are able to forgive others and because of that, opportunity and healing thrive. Through His instruction, His road-map for life, we are edified.
1:8-9 In surplus from our faith we are given everything our souls need to be healthy and happy and productive. We are taught how to choose, establish and uphold our values. We are taught the compassionate and creative order of the universe. We are taught how to acknowledge and grow the character of our souls. We are taught how to live simply, humbly, productively, passionately, faithfully, happily. (Note: To Live as the Disciples Lived).
1:10 Paul references the gathering of the entire spiritual family at the culmination of this classroom (this labyrinth of life-lessons on earth).
1:11 God's purpose and plan for our lives was predestined. He planned for our happiness and life even before our birth in the spirit and on earth. He gave us everything He has before we even took a first breath... hoping that we might seek and find Him, our creator who loves us so.
1:12 Finding spiritual while on earth is a blessing and a reward (both for ourselves and for God). At the finish of our lives on earth, each of us are confronted with the spiritual life. Those who find our spiritual home while still here inspire a divine-joy. John 20:29 "... because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
It is so blessed to believe while on earth because believers join the compassionate mission of bringing justice and happiness to humanity. Believing here, we have an opportunity to be purposeful, productive, to make an impact on life here. Believing here, we join with God as fellow workers, 1 Corinthians 3:9.
1:13-14 Our trust in our faith seals our faith's protection, love and guidance over our lives. Our trust allows our faith to be constantly present and active within and around us. God's love is guaranteed.
1:15 -16 Paul speaks to the Ephesians but his well-wishes are meant for you, too. Paul dedicated his life to faith and God in order that this philosophy continue through generation and geography to reach you.
1:17-18 Paul prays for the development of our faith in order that we may acknowledge and thrive under the compassion and wisdom of God's careful plan for our lives. He prays for us to find comfort and order in this sometimes difficult and chaotic world. He prays for us to see more deeply than the superficial. The jewel of our soul is planted deeply but hidden within our body. Likewise is God's spirit planted deeply in humanity and the earth. Only those we seek can find it, once found, enlightenment bursts wide our capacity for wisdom and purpose.
1:19-21 This is Paul's jollification of Creation's power in our soul's and lives. God placed the manifestation of patience, kindness and compassion on careful care and watch over us.
1:22-23 Paul reminds us to be reassured in the fact that we are loved and protected by an invulnerable and eternal force.
1:17-18 Paul prays for the development of our faith in order that we may acknowledge and thrive under the compassion and wisdom of God's careful plan for our lives. He prays for us to find comfort and order in this sometimes difficult and chaotic world. He prays for us to see more deeply than the superficial. The jewel of our soul is planted deeply but hidden within our body. Likewise is God's spirit planted deeply in humanity and the earth. Only those we seek can find it, once found, enlightenment bursts wide our capacity for wisdom and purpose.
1:19-21 This is Paul's jollification of Creation's power in our soul's and lives. God placed the manifestation of patience, kindness and compassion on careful care and watch over us.
1:22-23 Paul reminds us to be reassured in the fact that we are loved and protected by an invulnerable and eternal force.