Philippians 1:1-30
1:1-2 Paul and Timothy peacefully begin their greeting to the people of Philippi, present day Greece, as children and workers of God. Imagine if we greeted all of humanity in such a way? To arrive at every circumstance, and every person, with the silent, determined proclamation that we are workers of compassion and justice.
1:3 Just as Paul expresses gratitude for the people in his life, so must we remember to do. We are often taught to be aware of and grateful for the people in our lives on the premise that their existence here on earth with us is finite, uncertain. To exhibit a healthier love and appreciation, we should be grateful for the people in our lives not out of fear for their possible departure but out of joy for their definite presence. Because our God is the God of Life and if we learn that, we have nothing to fear, especially not death which does not exist.
We can be grateful for the LIFE within the people we love because even when they are not with us on earth, they have not only retained the life inside of them, they have exponentially grown and improved its quality and length. Therefore, thank God for the durable and infinite life inside of the people around you, whom you keep inside your heart, not because they might disappear but because they never will.
A thank you because the hosts of the smiles we love so much to see have been with us, are with us and will always be. 2 Corinthians 5:8, We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.
1:4 We are not always as generous as we can be because some of our best generosity is simply requesting (hoping and praying) that the universe provide joy to the humans around us. That is not a problem for Paul who, through his faith, is bursting with generosity and hope born of his faithful joy. Much of the negativity born in the world is born out of the sheer lack of joy within people's souls. Joy solves and heals. Therefore instead of anger and frustration and intolerance, let's give joy. Let's solve and heal our troubles rather than endlessly, fruitlessly swatting at them and refueling them and subsequently, our strife.
1:5 Paul acknowledges and gives gratitude for the people who work justly and compassionately among humanity on the earth. With joy Paul understands that the mission and productive work of God's children creates light in place of darkness, happiness in the place of sorrow, freedom in the place of detainment, justice in the place of injustice, courage in the place of fear, truth in the place of deception, compassion in the place of apathy, hope in the place of despair. Yeah, we are busy (or should be). We have a lot of work to do. Paul is encouraged and inspired because God's children are able and willing and eager in the face of the workload.
1:6 "He who has begun work in you will complete it..." Until the culmination of this classroom that is earth, the culmination that is Jesus' day to gather His students, His siblings, God is with you. We know that we will be with Him in Spirit; here on earth, He will be with us (in all of our moments). In all of our moments He will be working to grow our courage, character and wisdom. He guides and instructs us through the many lessons within life. He builds us and perfects us but we must join Him in the work.
Remember that Jesus is the manifestation of truth, wisdom, compassion and life. Truth, wisdom, compassion and life will gather its students/siblings/partners. Until that time, God will work to make you strong and He will never abandon the work of your edification.
Remember that Jesus is the manifestation of truth, wisdom, compassion and life. Truth, wisdom, compassion and life will gather its students/siblings/partners. Until that time, God will work to make you strong and He will never abandon the work of your edification.
1:7-8 God's children are Paul's joy and motivation, the reason he remains humble and focused in his work. He cherishes them (and us) because of our potential and because we rise and work to fulfill it.
1:9-11 The sincerity of Paul's words fly on the wings of God to reach you, right now, in this moment:
1) That your love may increasingly abound in knowledge and discernment
2) That you choose absolute justice and sincerity
3) That you be filled with all of the gifts of our glorious, generous God
1) That your love may increasingly abound in knowledge and discernment
2) That you choose absolute justice and sincerity
3) That you be filled with all of the gifts of our glorious, generous God
1:12-13 Paul's adversity consistently served his life's purpose. When Paul tethered himself to faith, faith delivered to Paul absolute freedom. Even when physically chained, Paul was free, unencumbered by his adversity. Every event of Paul's life was guided, allowed, and protected by God: he was placed where he needed to be to do the most good, to send the strongest message of faith and resilience. Even deeply entrenched in adversity, Paul continued to be made free, to be productive and faithful and just and compassionate. Paul's life became a living testimony. Your life's behavior is a living testimony... choose and know the message you are preaching to humanity.
1:14 Soldiers for justice are required to confront injustice. God ensures that we are brave and agile enough to confront and then diminish adversity. Paul's resilience during turbulence emboldens us because he taught us that when we are doing compassionate work, we cannot be thwarted or defeated.
Although we are fellow-workers with God, 1 Corinthians 3:9, Paul often speaks of servitude to God. Why? Because only by giving ourselves to our Creator are we made free: free from confusion, pain, manipulation, evil...etc. Why? Because He teaches us how to free ourselves from the things, emotions and people who try to control us. When we put ourselves in His hands, He molds us toward perfection; He guides us out of captivity.
Remember: God is not going to scoop you up without your permission. He has given and values your freedom. Only by giving ourselves, our permission, to Him is He able to do His work and give His love. Paul's life example teaches us to be brave because he perfectly exemplifies that no enemy has any power over the child who serves their Parent, our creator, our God.
1:15 There are two different motivations of preachers, teachers of God's word: selfless motivations and selfish motivations. Ensure that you can tell the difference between the two! Those with selfish motivations are deceptive and fake...
1:16 ... and deceptive and fake religion is alive and abundant in the world today. Paul and God want you to be able to recognize such people. Observe their actions, analyze their motivations... require them to back up everything they say with scripture and then interpret for yourselves because crooked people manipulate things to get what they want.
The most simple way to identify a fake teacher: notice how precisely they follow the work of Jesus and the apostles. Many religious figures condemn and instill fear, make fanciful shows of themselves and their institutions, SAY a lot but actually DO very little in the service of compassion. Do not be awed by eloquent speeches, our actions define who we truly are. Look for humility within the person. Be weary of hierarchical religions for God has announced the equality of all people and His impartial love.
Some religious figures (and attendants of religions) revel in feelings of superiority or desires for wealth, power, fame and property. Jesus did not require a big, expensive church to teach in. He did not require an edifice at all! He taught in nature because He wanted us to understand that the message is important, not the establishment. For further study: Luke 20:45-47, Mark 12:38-40.
1:17 Other teaches teach out of love. They teach because they have felt the love and comforting presence of God in their lives and they wish to share its truth and existence with others. They teach because they recognize that humanity is in need of justice and compassion and proponents of justice and compassion.
1:18 God's Word is in the world whether we are learning from the good, honest teachers or whether we a learning from the mistakes and consequences of the bad, deceptive teachers. God prods us toward in many ways enlightenment, we just have to open our eyes.
1:14 Soldiers for justice are required to confront injustice. God ensures that we are brave and agile enough to confront and then diminish adversity. Paul's resilience during turbulence emboldens us because he taught us that when we are doing compassionate work, we cannot be thwarted or defeated.
Although we are fellow-workers with God, 1 Corinthians 3:9, Paul often speaks of servitude to God. Why? Because only by giving ourselves to our Creator are we made free: free from confusion, pain, manipulation, evil...etc. Why? Because He teaches us how to free ourselves from the things, emotions and people who try to control us. When we put ourselves in His hands, He molds us toward perfection; He guides us out of captivity.
Remember: God is not going to scoop you up without your permission. He has given and values your freedom. Only by giving ourselves, our permission, to Him is He able to do His work and give His love. Paul's life example teaches us to be brave because he perfectly exemplifies that no enemy has any power over the child who serves their Parent, our creator, our God.
1:15 There are two different motivations of preachers, teachers of God's word: selfless motivations and selfish motivations. Ensure that you can tell the difference between the two! Those with selfish motivations are deceptive and fake...
1:16 ... and deceptive and fake religion is alive and abundant in the world today. Paul and God want you to be able to recognize such people. Observe their actions, analyze their motivations... require them to back up everything they say with scripture and then interpret for yourselves because crooked people manipulate things to get what they want.
The most simple way to identify a fake teacher: notice how precisely they follow the work of Jesus and the apostles. Many religious figures condemn and instill fear, make fanciful shows of themselves and their institutions, SAY a lot but actually DO very little in the service of compassion. Do not be awed by eloquent speeches, our actions define who we truly are. Look for humility within the person. Be weary of hierarchical religions for God has announced the equality of all people and His impartial love.
Some religious figures (and attendants of religions) revel in feelings of superiority or desires for wealth, power, fame and property. Jesus did not require a big, expensive church to teach in. He did not require an edifice at all! He taught in nature because He wanted us to understand that the message is important, not the establishment. For further study: Luke 20:45-47, Mark 12:38-40.
1:17 Other teaches teach out of love. They teach because they have felt the love and comforting presence of God in their lives and they wish to share its truth and existence with others. They teach because they recognize that humanity is in need of justice and compassion and proponents of justice and compassion.
1:18 God's Word is in the world whether we are learning from the good, honest teachers or whether we a learning from the mistakes and consequences of the bad, deceptive teachers. God prods us toward in many ways enlightenment, we just have to open our eyes.
1:19 Paul emphatically knows that his work, supported by God and the prayer and participation of His children, will abound in the earth.
1:20 Paul hopes to continue to courageously fulfill his purpose. We also can identify what hopes we have for ourselves: the details of how we wish to pursue our purpose on the earth. Aware of the fallibility and insecurities of humans, Paul hopes to continually profess his beliefs without trepidation. For the more vigorously we think and act and express in compassion, the more our thoughts, actions and expressions reverberate around our world.
This philosophy of life is magnified by the people who live it and express it, grows and becomes stronger and brighter.
1:21-23 Paul understands that there is no death for God's children. Beyond this experience of earth awaits eternal life. Eternal joy and wisdom and compassion. Paul simultaneously yearns to be in that place as well as remain on earth to accomplish God's work.
1:24 Paul understands that he is needed here. We are needed here. There is so much compassionate work to be done and therefore the earth yearns for workers. Humanity yearns for compassion. Life beyond earth is wonderful, everlasting, but our work here is essential. Therefore, our presence here is essential. Work with heaven in mind and earth in heart; we will have existed in both places, but we are currently conscious here for a reason.
1:25-26 Remain and continue in faith in order to remain and continue to progress in joy. How do we continue in faith? We work compassionately on ourselves and our earth. We establish ourselves and strive for wisdom and patience, perspective and hope. We become a strong tree, bearing fruit for humanity.
1:20 Paul hopes to continue to courageously fulfill his purpose. We also can identify what hopes we have for ourselves: the details of how we wish to pursue our purpose on the earth. Aware of the fallibility and insecurities of humans, Paul hopes to continually profess his beliefs without trepidation. For the more vigorously we think and act and express in compassion, the more our thoughts, actions and expressions reverberate around our world.
This philosophy of life is magnified by the people who live it and express it, grows and becomes stronger and brighter.
1:21-23 Paul understands that there is no death for God's children. Beyond this experience of earth awaits eternal life. Eternal joy and wisdom and compassion. Paul simultaneously yearns to be in that place as well as remain on earth to accomplish God's work.
1:24 Paul understands that he is needed here. We are needed here. There is so much compassionate work to be done and therefore the earth yearns for workers. Humanity yearns for compassion. Life beyond earth is wonderful, everlasting, but our work here is essential. Therefore, our presence here is essential. Work with heaven in mind and earth in heart; we will have existed in both places, but we are currently conscious here for a reason.
1:25-26 Remain and continue in faith in order to remain and continue to progress in joy. How do we continue in faith? We work compassionately on ourselves and our earth. We establish ourselves and strive for wisdom and patience, perspective and hope. We become a strong tree, bearing fruit for humanity.
1:27 Ensure that what you think, say and do are consistently in agreement. Fulfill purpose by living intentionally, and rising to your potential by exploring yourself and the world with objectivity and compassion.
This philosophy is an amazing and solid example for us to be unwavering in our faith. We must not ever be hypocritical or regressive in our faith, thoughts, words and behavior. Be intentional: let your life express in every moment the message you wish to inspire on the earth.
1:28 Do not fear any adversaries because our Advocate, our God, is defending us. Evil is going to dissolve and become nothing, not even a memory. Evil is brittle and weak in the face of God and our strength against adversaries reminds them of their inherent weakness.
1:29-30 Our work here requires that we confront evil and injustice. We cannot hide from it or we will never defeat it. If we believe in this faith, this philosophy of life, then we must be proponents of it. God's children have empathetic souls and therefore feel much of the emotion around them. Although it can be a weighty task, God ensures that we are strong enough to bear it. Allow Him to be your pillar.
This philosophy is an amazing and solid example for us to be unwavering in our faith. We must not ever be hypocritical or regressive in our faith, thoughts, words and behavior. Be intentional: let your life express in every moment the message you wish to inspire on the earth.
1:28 Do not fear any adversaries because our Advocate, our God, is defending us. Evil is going to dissolve and become nothing, not even a memory. Evil is brittle and weak in the face of God and our strength against adversaries reminds them of their inherent weakness.
1:29-30 Our work here requires that we confront evil and injustice. We cannot hide from it or we will never defeat it. If we believe in this faith, this philosophy of life, then we must be proponents of it. God's children have empathetic souls and therefore feel much of the emotion around them. Although it can be a weighty task, God ensures that we are strong enough to bear it. Allow Him to be your pillar.