Ephesians 2:1-22
2:1 Life without spirituality is life lived in somewhat of a slumber. For spirituality is the underlying and creative element of life. This philosophy of life awakens people into their purpose and into the purpose of all creation. Rather than live chaotically through a string of non-purposeful acts, spirituality gives us both reason and motivation for organizing our lives in compassionate purpose and creation.
2:2-3 Everyday, elements of the world teach us subliminally to value and strive for the wrong things. If we are not careful and diligent, the distractions triumph in convincing us that contentment comes from procuring, from indulging our desires.
Paul begins this chapter uniting himself and the people of Ephesus, uniting all people, in our collective mistake of living for the wrong reasons (no matter how brief or accidental it may be). Out of selflessness we were created, and out of the creation of ourselves we are meant to be selfless. Perhaps superficially ironic, we gain our greatest wealth by giving. That is not the message we are commonly taught by the world.
It is not the case the everything and everyone here on the earth is bad... rather the case is that most everything and everyone on the earth is distracted, and the consequences of that are frequently bad. Scripture consistently pleads for our vigilance, because when we are focused, especially spirituality, we do not succumb as victims to people and circumstances over which we could control.
2:4-5 Our creator is vigilant and organizes opportunities for us to realize, again and again if need be, that this world is superficial, that these bodies of ours are superficial. He constantly constructs avenues along which we can discover or rediscover our souls, spiritual-meaning, wisdom and purpose, which supersede and also expertly navigate this life on earth.
2:6-7 Our creators intention is to gather and sustain life and that which sustains life: justice, compassion, truth, love. Through Jesus and other manifestations of these qualities, creation reaches out and around toward us, working and hoping to supply us with invulnerable love and purpose.
2:8 Paul encourages us to reject hubris. We are loved by God because we are, contained in these vessels, life. Though highly valued for the life within us, we did not create the ability of life. Our faith, that is to say, our work in, agreement and absorption of God's philosophy of compassion is what saves us...saves us from ourselves. From falling victim to the greed and distraction we spoke of above. We are not saved from "hell" or any temporary or eternal punishment, we are saved from our slumber. From the consequences of living distractedly.
Arrogance corrupts us because our love from God is given freely. Because we are alive, we are loved. Because we are loved, we are alive. We are not alive or loved because we are better than any other manifestation of life.
2:9 Paul is squashing the thought someone might have that they can work gain more of God's love. We each already have it all, eternal and abundant as it is. Therefore, this is a reminder that any "work" we do on earth must be done with genuine generosity. Genuine generosity is not how we earn God's love, we all already have it, equally. Genuine generosity is how we become deserving of the love we already have and never lose.
2:10 An absolutely pulchritudinous and pregnant verse: "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
We are a breathing, thinking, feeling, acting creation of God, fine-tuned by the lessons and prophets He riddles our lives with for the purpose of doing good. Moreover, this is not a slapdash plan, God has had his plan for humanity intricately outlined even before the creation of humanity.
God did not create humanity and then upon observing us say: "Oh, no! They turned out wonky. I need a backup plan. A plan to fix this!" No, instead, he anticipated our fallibility... even allowed for it as a gift to us: freedom to explore and become exactly what and who we want. Along with out fallibility, God gave us outlines to escape and overcome it. To learn and grow. To discover purpose, His and our own.
Considering the quantity of our collective mistakes here... God's immensely generous promise of consistent love and patience inspires astonished gratitude.
2:2-3 Everyday, elements of the world teach us subliminally to value and strive for the wrong things. If we are not careful and diligent, the distractions triumph in convincing us that contentment comes from procuring, from indulging our desires.
Paul begins this chapter uniting himself and the people of Ephesus, uniting all people, in our collective mistake of living for the wrong reasons (no matter how brief or accidental it may be). Out of selflessness we were created, and out of the creation of ourselves we are meant to be selfless. Perhaps superficially ironic, we gain our greatest wealth by giving. That is not the message we are commonly taught by the world.
It is not the case the everything and everyone here on the earth is bad... rather the case is that most everything and everyone on the earth is distracted, and the consequences of that are frequently bad. Scripture consistently pleads for our vigilance, because when we are focused, especially spirituality, we do not succumb as victims to people and circumstances over which we could control.
2:4-5 Our creator is vigilant and organizes opportunities for us to realize, again and again if need be, that this world is superficial, that these bodies of ours are superficial. He constantly constructs avenues along which we can discover or rediscover our souls, spiritual-meaning, wisdom and purpose, which supersede and also expertly navigate this life on earth.
2:6-7 Our creators intention is to gather and sustain life and that which sustains life: justice, compassion, truth, love. Through Jesus and other manifestations of these qualities, creation reaches out and around toward us, working and hoping to supply us with invulnerable love and purpose.
2:8 Paul encourages us to reject hubris. We are loved by God because we are, contained in these vessels, life. Though highly valued for the life within us, we did not create the ability of life. Our faith, that is to say, our work in, agreement and absorption of God's philosophy of compassion is what saves us...saves us from ourselves. From falling victim to the greed and distraction we spoke of above. We are not saved from "hell" or any temporary or eternal punishment, we are saved from our slumber. From the consequences of living distractedly.
Arrogance corrupts us because our love from God is given freely. Because we are alive, we are loved. Because we are loved, we are alive. We are not alive or loved because we are better than any other manifestation of life.
2:9 Paul is squashing the thought someone might have that they can work gain more of God's love. We each already have it all, eternal and abundant as it is. Therefore, this is a reminder that any "work" we do on earth must be done with genuine generosity. Genuine generosity is not how we earn God's love, we all already have it, equally. Genuine generosity is how we become deserving of the love we already have and never lose.
2:10 An absolutely pulchritudinous and pregnant verse: "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
We are a breathing, thinking, feeling, acting creation of God, fine-tuned by the lessons and prophets He riddles our lives with for the purpose of doing good. Moreover, this is not a slapdash plan, God has had his plan for humanity intricately outlined even before the creation of humanity.
God did not create humanity and then upon observing us say: "Oh, no! They turned out wonky. I need a backup plan. A plan to fix this!" No, instead, he anticipated our fallibility... even allowed for it as a gift to us: freedom to explore and become exactly what and who we want. Along with out fallibility, God gave us outlines to escape and overcome it. To learn and grow. To discover purpose, His and our own.
Considering the quantity of our collective mistakes here... God's immensely generous promise of consistent love and patience inspires astonished gratitude.
2:11-13 These verses are a summation of the spiritual journey we undertake when we develop our faith. We are brought nearer to truth and life the further we distance ourselves from deception and greed in the world.
As Paul has consistently encouraged us, we must be able to determine when a religious or spiritual (or any) institution is working contradictory to the message in scripture. So often humans become obsessed with rules, customs and traditions that they forget the core message of compassion, justice and acceptance of everyone. We forget how to exemplify and maintain compassion, justice and acceptance in our thoughts, words and actions.
2:14 Jesus, the manifestation of compassion, truth, justice, and acceptance breaks down the barriers which divide us. When we learn to love an appreciate all people, culture is no longer a divider.
2:15 The goal of the New Testament is to specifically target all of the categorizations humans have created and to dissolve them. We are meant to realize that just as we were created and derived from the same Spiritual-source, so do we each return to continue life in. As a unit.
2:16 The New Testament proceeds boldly in smashing enmity, animosity among humanity. Consistently preaching and encouraging us to broader our perspective and hearts to include more than just our immediate surroundings.
2:17 Jesus and this philosophy of life (even through various other mediums) extends beyond every possible boundary to reach as many as possible. The core messages within these verses are even translated into diverse cultures, often appearing more different than they actually are. (These are the branches of all religion across the world). And though many do not accurately live or portray the philosophies within their chosen holy books, the core messages are there for the true and honest student.
2:19 We all have access to Spiritual Creation. As we are loved equivalently, so are we offered to.
God is not inaccessible to anyone, regardless of anything. In fact, the people who need Him most, the people who are commonly thought to be the people God should abandon actually have easy access to Him... should they ever seek to well, access Him. Why? Because God fills needs. Look at Paul as an example: His life was filled with horrible actions; he single-handedly created deep need in the world. Changing Paul's life changed the world, and God always has the broader scope in mind as well as the individual. Therefore, count no one out of God's blessings.
Mark 2:17, Luke 5:21 and Matthew 9:12 each specifically teach us that God is looking out for everyone. He does not search for and then dote on only the perfect (surely not because who is perfect?), he does not search for and then dote on the mostly good... He searches in every crevice of the world for people who need Him, even those who are filled with greed, evil and animosity because they truly do. He came here to help them... if they should accept it, and simultaneously, with the same vigor, He cares for His devout children too (and all of the in-betweens).
2:15 The goal of the New Testament is to specifically target all of the categorizations humans have created and to dissolve them. We are meant to realize that just as we were created and derived from the same Spiritual-source, so do we each return to continue life in. As a unit.
2:16 The New Testament proceeds boldly in smashing enmity, animosity among humanity. Consistently preaching and encouraging us to broader our perspective and hearts to include more than just our immediate surroundings.
2:17 Jesus and this philosophy of life (even through various other mediums) extends beyond every possible boundary to reach as many as possible. The core messages within these verses are even translated into diverse cultures, often appearing more different than they actually are. (These are the branches of all religion across the world). And though many do not accurately live or portray the philosophies within their chosen holy books, the core messages are there for the true and honest student.
2:19 We all have access to Spiritual Creation. As we are loved equivalently, so are we offered to.
God is not inaccessible to anyone, regardless of anything. In fact, the people who need Him most, the people who are commonly thought to be the people God should abandon actually have easy access to Him... should they ever seek to well, access Him. Why? Because God fills needs. Look at Paul as an example: His life was filled with horrible actions; he single-handedly created deep need in the world. Changing Paul's life changed the world, and God always has the broader scope in mind as well as the individual. Therefore, count no one out of God's blessings.
Mark 2:17, Luke 5:21 and Matthew 9:12 each specifically teach us that God is looking out for everyone. He does not search for and then dote on only the perfect (surely not because who is perfect?), he does not search for and then dote on the mostly good... He searches in every crevice of the world for people who need Him, even those who are filled with greed, evil and animosity because they truly do. He came here to help them... if they should accept it, and simultaneously, with the same vigor, He cares for His devout children too (and all of the in-betweens).
2:19 We are no longer the orphans we perceived ourselves to be. We were not abandoned here. We did not happen here by chance. We are valued members and participants of the spiritual community.
2:20 Firmly grounded in faith, we are established by God throughout the course of our lives. He ensures that when we give Him permission to enter our lives, His love, guidance and protection cloaks every moment and aspect of who we are, everything we journey toward and even the context around us. He has created a secure system for us to thrive within. Corroboration after corroboration of His compassion.
2:21-22 The spiritual structure God is constructing is unlike any building we have seen on earth. It is upheld both by and within each member. Rather than a tangible, brick and mortar edifice, the pillars and beams, walls and floors of His temple are the compassionate souls of His children. Upholding, supporting, complimenting each other from on His spiritually concrete foundation. We do not just live in His house, we are the house. We are His home, He is our home. He is our home even from within us.
2:20 Firmly grounded in faith, we are established by God throughout the course of our lives. He ensures that when we give Him permission to enter our lives, His love, guidance and protection cloaks every moment and aspect of who we are, everything we journey toward and even the context around us. He has created a secure system for us to thrive within. Corroboration after corroboration of His compassion.
2:21-22 The spiritual structure God is constructing is unlike any building we have seen on earth. It is upheld both by and within each member. Rather than a tangible, brick and mortar edifice, the pillars and beams, walls and floors of His temple are the compassionate souls of His children. Upholding, supporting, complimenting each other from on His spiritually concrete foundation. We do not just live in His house, we are the house. We are His home, He is our home. He is our home even from within us.