To live with contentment, we can emulate the lives the disciples lived. Acts of the Apostles 2:46-47 and Matthew 10:14* naturally instruct us on the way to live a happy and purposeful life:
- "Continued daily with one accord": Be focused. Motivated. Determined. Identify your values, establish your faith and every day, wake up and work to fulfill your purpose of sustaining those values and that faith in the world and people around you.
- "House to house eating bread with gladness": In every friendship, relationship, encounter with other people, greet them with happiness and with the wisdom of God in your body and soul. With Jesus, our metaphorical bread, our sustenance with which we help to fill the world. Our metaphorical bread: the source from which we find our nourishment. The real nourishment, that which sustains our souls. How? He teaches us how to cultivate the conditions under which we can thrive, spiritually, emotionally, physically.
- "Simplicity of heart": Let your heart's every intention be focused on these simple truths: compassion, honestly, love and wisdom. Do not let yourself be tempted or overcome with the complications of stress or desire or intolerance. Let compassion fill and focus your heart.
- "Praising God": Be aware and grateful for His constant presence, guidance and protection in your life. Let yourself be filled with wonder at all He has created, all He can do... there are miracles all around and within us. Recognize and delight in the wonder of the earth and universe.
- "Having favor with all people": Be perceptive and optimistic, give people a chance. Seek good in them, especially when they can't find it in themselves. Do not harshly judge or deny. This is a complex world, each person is influenced by many factors and we cannot possibly understand the full scope. There is good in people and places we might not expect* -- be open to that idea. Accept diversity of culture and thought; together we make up a beautifully complex and colorful fabric. Remember that there are many modes of transportation to same destination, different doesn't mean wrong. Sometimes we meet people who do not live according to how we believe life should be lived but we should not make enemies of them. Our enemy is injustice and we cannot expel it with unkindness toward others.
- "Enabling God": Be an instrument God can work with to reach more and more people and therefore welcome them to the family. Your life itself is a testimony, when people encounter your joy and peace it will speak of your spirit, of the One who gave you that spirit and your smile, your actions might inspire them to their best selves. Enable God to reach and gather with your arms and hands, with your compassion.
*Matthew 10:14 instructs us what to do when we do meet actual darkness and disrespect: "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet. Do not force yourself, your beliefs or your friendship. You are loved by God and you are precious to Him; if someone does not accept the kindness you have to give, depart from them, they are undeserving. Hopefully they will change their way, surely they'll receive our prayers, but do not let them be a drain or a vexation in your life. Move along toward light, do not linger in their darkness.