John 21:1-25
We have reached the final chapter of John and also the final chapter of the Gospel chapters: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The book of John offers so much love and wisdom to us, the students and children of our compassionate God's philosophy of life. After this chapter, we will study, explore and live vicariously through the lives of the disciples made teachers by Jesus. They will travel and work faithfully diligent all of their lives to share and spread the love and wisdom they were given through Jesus by God. In this final chapter, Jesus will officially appoint them with the blessed responsibility (privileged) of carrying God's message to humanity... and hopefully along the way, we take up the baton ourselves.
21:1-3 The disciples are together and decide to go fishing. We begin a metaphor we've visited before: teachers of God are "fishers," who gather together God's children with His philosophy of life, His "net." Fishing at night, the disciples catch nothing. This is metaphorical because unless we live and work within and through the light, or wisdom and compassion, of God, we accomplish nothing.
These disciples were to be sent forth as teachers of the word of God -- they needed to be reminded that they could only remain productive and successful as long as they worked with God's philosophy of life in heart, mind, body and soul.
21:4-5 The metaphor continues: Without God's guidance giving us patience, compassion and wisdom, we often experience frustration, dejection, chaos, failure... Jesus wants to remind them (and us!) that God will always lead and provide for His children. We simply must walk His path.
21:6 With Jesus' instruction, they are immediately successful. With Jesus' instruction, we are immediately successful. We gather so many of God's children with out kindness and empathy, honesty and truth.
21:7-10 Discovering that Jesus has returned to them, they eagerly rush to His side. Jesus requests they bring some of their fish and while they eat, Jesus has another lesson for them.
21:11 The net was not broken. No matter how many humans want to be a part of God's family, there is room. God has very particular, very abundant love for each of us. He provides for His family.
There is SO MUCH to offer each of God's children... with His help, we can both carry and deliver it to them.
21:12-13 Still in metaphor, Jesus distributes the fish. Jesus passes on His purpose to us. The philosophy of God comes from God, of course... and then was given to Jesus to bring to humanity. Now, Jesus will share His purpose with us. Through Him we discover and absorb the word of God... and then through us God's love and wisdom can flow to others. He always hands to us first; He gives us surplus so that we hand it, share it as well.
21:14 In a series of returns, Jesus reaches and speaks with His disciples. He wants them to be prepared and courageous in their faith and their ability to teach. After all, teaching has become their purpose (and we will see that they are delighted to accept it).
Remember in Matthew 20:20-26, two of the disciples requested a purpose from God. Jesus informed them that to love God so much as to request purpose from Him... was to ask to be His beloved servant. It's an incredible and arduous purpose. It takes faith and courage.
These disciples were to be sent forth as teachers of the word of God -- they needed to be reminded that they could only remain productive and successful as long as they worked with God's philosophy of life in heart, mind, body and soul.
21:4-5 The metaphor continues: Without God's guidance giving us patience, compassion and wisdom, we often experience frustration, dejection, chaos, failure... Jesus wants to remind them (and us!) that God will always lead and provide for His children. We simply must walk His path.
21:6 With Jesus' instruction, they are immediately successful. With Jesus' instruction, we are immediately successful. We gather so many of God's children with out kindness and empathy, honesty and truth.
21:7-10 Discovering that Jesus has returned to them, they eagerly rush to His side. Jesus requests they bring some of their fish and while they eat, Jesus has another lesson for them.
21:11 The net was not broken. No matter how many humans want to be a part of God's family, there is room. God has very particular, very abundant love for each of us. He provides for His family.
There is SO MUCH to offer each of God's children... with His help, we can both carry and deliver it to them.
21:12-13 Still in metaphor, Jesus distributes the fish. Jesus passes on His purpose to us. The philosophy of God comes from God, of course... and then was given to Jesus to bring to humanity. Now, Jesus will share His purpose with us. Through Him we discover and absorb the word of God... and then through us God's love and wisdom can flow to others. He always hands to us first; He gives us surplus so that we hand it, share it as well.
21:14 In a series of returns, Jesus reaches and speaks with His disciples. He wants them to be prepared and courageous in their faith and their ability to teach. After all, teaching has become their purpose (and we will see that they are delighted to accept it).
Remember in Matthew 20:20-26, two of the disciples requested a purpose from God. Jesus informed them that to love God so much as to request purpose from Him... was to ask to be His beloved servant. It's an incredible and arduous purpose. It takes faith and courage.
21:15 Jesus is saying to Simon Peter: if you love me, lead God's children to Him. Jesus is our shepherd and we are the flock He so lovingly protects and nourishes. If you love God, Jesus is teaching Peter, do God's work... lead others to His love.
21:16 "Tend My Sheep": Jesus is giving Simon Peter guidance and He really stresses the importance because we mean so much to Him. Tending sheep: This means that Peter must help the sheep to maintain strong in faith; he must ensure that his students are never neglected and left to wander or lose the word of God. Why? For their benefit. Our lives are so much better when we let God's love into them.
21:17 Jesus asks Simon Peter a third time: Do you love me? And we are reminded of Simon Peter's three-times denial of his love for Jesus. This is Jesus ensuring that Simon Peter's faith has grown strong. This is Jesus given Simon Peter a chance to turn away... but he does not. Simon Peter truly does love Jesus and our God and His faith grew stronger and stronger as evidence of that.
Feed My Sheep: Jesus wants Simon Peter to feed (teach) not only the new students but also to remain instructive and available to the deeply faithful as well -- to those who turn into teachers themselves. It's essential that there are always true, compassionate teachers maintaining God's philosophy throughout humanity.
21:18-19 Jesus was explaining to the disciples that it was their time, their generation to teach the word of God. He also told them that after their death on earth, other teachers would take over... and this would continue throughout generations of humanity. We each fulfill our purposes in our time, and then another generation is passed the baton. Follow Jesus' instruction precisely (it's foolproof!); follow the word of God and when it's your time, stretch out your hands to Him and be glorified in His love.
21:16 "Tend My Sheep": Jesus is giving Simon Peter guidance and He really stresses the importance because we mean so much to Him. Tending sheep: This means that Peter must help the sheep to maintain strong in faith; he must ensure that his students are never neglected and left to wander or lose the word of God. Why? For their benefit. Our lives are so much better when we let God's love into them.
21:17 Jesus asks Simon Peter a third time: Do you love me? And we are reminded of Simon Peter's three-times denial of his love for Jesus. This is Jesus ensuring that Simon Peter's faith has grown strong. This is Jesus given Simon Peter a chance to turn away... but he does not. Simon Peter truly does love Jesus and our God and His faith grew stronger and stronger as evidence of that.
Feed My Sheep: Jesus wants Simon Peter to feed (teach) not only the new students but also to remain instructive and available to the deeply faithful as well -- to those who turn into teachers themselves. It's essential that there are always true, compassionate teachers maintaining God's philosophy throughout humanity.
21:18-19 Jesus was explaining to the disciples that it was their time, their generation to teach the word of God. He also told them that after their death on earth, other teachers would take over... and this would continue throughout generations of humanity. We each fulfill our purposes in our time, and then another generation is passed the baton. Follow Jesus' instruction precisely (it's foolproof!); follow the word of God and when it's your time, stretch out your hands to Him and be glorified in His love.
21:20-22 Having just been appointed as a teacher of God's word, Simon Peter asks Jesus what John's purpose will be. Jesus explains to Simon Peter that everyone's relationship with God is personal. We are not meant to have our fingers, minds, opinions, concerns in other people's business (especially with God). God has a plan and purpose for each of us and it's a private understanding between only ourselves and God.
You follow Me: You, individually you... follow the word of God and let other people follow their own paths as well.
21:23 Right away, the disciples start mumbling and gossiping... they miss the lesson. Instead of understanding that Jesus was teaching them to mind their own business, they assumed that Jesus was hinting this other disciple was never going to die! Perfect example of why we should not gossip -- it's unproductive and quickly escalates into lunacy.
Jesus tries again: He is saying that, it is not our business what the purpose or plan of another person is. It's a blessing from God, really, that our relationship with Him is so exclusive and personal.
21:24 John signs and takes responsibility for this account of Jesus' life (as a witness and faithful believer).
21:25 John leaves us with this beautiful thought, this beautiful truth: "even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written" if everything Jesus did, does and will do for us was put into books. If you've experience God's love and guidance, you know this to be true. Many universes could not contain the abundance of love, protection and life God gives us. Develop your relationship, hold firm in your faith. Amen!
You follow Me: You, individually you... follow the word of God and let other people follow their own paths as well.
21:23 Right away, the disciples start mumbling and gossiping... they miss the lesson. Instead of understanding that Jesus was teaching them to mind their own business, they assumed that Jesus was hinting this other disciple was never going to die! Perfect example of why we should not gossip -- it's unproductive and quickly escalates into lunacy.
Jesus tries again: He is saying that, it is not our business what the purpose or plan of another person is. It's a blessing from God, really, that our relationship with Him is so exclusive and personal.
21:24 John signs and takes responsibility for this account of Jesus' life (as a witness and faithful believer).
21:25 John leaves us with this beautiful thought, this beautiful truth: "even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written" if everything Jesus did, does and will do for us was put into books. If you've experience God's love and guidance, you know this to be true. Many universes could not contain the abundance of love, protection and life God gives us. Develop your relationship, hold firm in your faith. Amen!