John 15:1-27
15:1 Jesus is responsible for bringing God's philosophy to humanity; because of this, He has been our source of life. He's our vine from which we spring forth.
15:2 God, the creator of all life, is the cultivator of the vine. God prunes the vine, removing the corrupt pieces and branches.
15:3 The way in which you live your life can make you clean or corrupt. God's message to the world about how He runs things (fairly and compassionately) cleanses us when we absorb it into our minds and souls. We do not have to worry about being pruned from off of the vine for we are a part of it.
15:4 God is the creator and keeper of all life. When we fill ourselves with His breath of life, we become a part of Him and He becomes a part of who we are. Without Him, we have no breath of life. We therefore cannot produce "fruit," compassion in the world, without following His lead. It just isn't possible. (Even if a person does not believe in God, if they subconsciously follow His lead by being honest and compassionate, they have His breath of life inside of them).
15:5 Together with God's philosophy of life, we accomplish much good (bear fruit) in the world. How? God gives us the wisdom, the courage, the strength, the opportunities to change the world. If we are willing to do the work, He provides us the materials.
Without God, not only are we not able to accomplish anything productive, we also would not be anything. To live without God is to live without compassion and honesty. Without compassion and honest, all a person can create is greed and chaos. And even their ability to create greed and chaos is eliminated after earth -- they reject the spiritual life they could have lived with God and are thus... gone. (Remember, I do not believe in Hell!)
15:6 This a metaphor for elimination. The evil, corrupt, and violent are plucked from off of the vine and are tossed in the bin of non-existence. They become less than nothing.
Side note: Our benevolent God does not subject any soul to eternal torture. Our God is the God of love, wisdom and life -- the evil are wiped from existence.
15:7 If you absorb the message Jesus' brought, if you fill your heart and soul with compassion and God's wisdom, anything you request is delivered to you. God knows that His true children only request things which contribute to the betterment of the world and He's so thrilled to answer those prayers. God's children do not ask for power, wealth or fame... they ask for justice, love and wisdom. In the most extraordinary ways, and in the perfect time and conditions, God delivers. Trust Him to answer you and give you the best possible version of what you asked for. He omniscient, let Him be your guide. Trust Him to listen when you have a request -- He has just promised to deliver.
15:8 God's philosophy is upheld by His children who contribute to it. Although He is not dependent on us, are we are on Him for life, the philosophy is glorified by participants of it. God is exhilarated when we create, restore and inspire compassion on the earth, among humanity. Love and wisdom are at the core of every creation and humanity has this chance to deepen that compassion with our own works.
15:9 You are loved perfectly, completely, selflessly, infallibly, eternally. God loves with understanding and empathy. Jesus showed us the blessings of God and informs us that the same love is offered to us: all of the guidance, protection and wisdom given to Jesus is proffered to you.
15:10 If you remain a kind soul, everything that is offered by God is yours.
15:11 Jesus informs us of these truths to fill us with hope, comfort and joy. Jesus and God want us to be our most contented, happiest selves. Everything God gives He gives selflessly for our benefit. Recognize that the universe wants you to succeed, wants you to thrive and be happy... and will work with you when you work with it in compassion.
15:12 The way to God is simple: Love one another as He has loved us. He loves us without motive, without greed, without judgement, without arrogance, without condemnation.
15:13 God wants us to recognize the value of our kin, the rest of humanity. He wants us to appreciate and defend each other with passion and humility. This is the way of life God knows... the way of life He has created: Selfless, abundant love. Jesus devotes every part of Himself to promote our well-being. He is our living example of our purpose in life. There is no greater love than to love another more than yourself.
Remember that self-worth is important. God loves you... and His advice to all who are not you, is to protect you above themselves. See how this works? In God's eyes, we are all meant to be so loved that each is protected beyond what they could do for themselves.
You cannot properly love another until you appreciate yourself. God has created you, specifically in this earth. He wanted you. Respect yourself as His beloved child. Believe in yourself to be the kind of soul He believes you are: humble, honest, compassionate, wise.
15:14-15 Jesus wants us to understand our relationship with Him, we are a family. His instruction guides us and when we follow faithfully with agreement and purpose, we take our place in the family. Although we work for God, are fellow workers with God 1 Corinthians 3:9, it's a blessed privilege. God supplies His family with all the wisdom and ability we need to accomplish beautiful things.
God shares all wisdom, nothing is kept hidden. His entire plan is laid out for us to pick up and absorb.
15:16 Jesus speaks to a specific group: God knows our souls. He speaks to the humbly, purely compassionate and makes known that they have been appointed to do great work on the earth. God has appointed these souls because they are sturdy in faith, compassionate of heart and wise of thought -- they are able, brave and willing to even change the world with God at their side. Be productive in your kindness, with God you will change the parts of the world that need fixing.
Again: God will give to you abundantly. God knows that kind souls pray selflessly for justice, health and happiness for all -- He is so happy to answer those prayers. Ask in the name of the philosophy Jesus brought -- humility and empathy -- and our lovely creator will give.
15:17 Jesus reiterates the core of the message: To love each other as kindly, patiently, and completely as we have been selflessly loved by God.
15:10 If you remain a kind soul, everything that is offered by God is yours.
15:11 Jesus informs us of these truths to fill us with hope, comfort and joy. Jesus and God want us to be our most contented, happiest selves. Everything God gives He gives selflessly for our benefit. Recognize that the universe wants you to succeed, wants you to thrive and be happy... and will work with you when you work with it in compassion.
15:12 The way to God is simple: Love one another as He has loved us. He loves us without motive, without greed, without judgement, without arrogance, without condemnation.
15:13 God wants us to recognize the value of our kin, the rest of humanity. He wants us to appreciate and defend each other with passion and humility. This is the way of life God knows... the way of life He has created: Selfless, abundant love. Jesus devotes every part of Himself to promote our well-being. He is our living example of our purpose in life. There is no greater love than to love another more than yourself.
Remember that self-worth is important. God loves you... and His advice to all who are not you, is to protect you above themselves. See how this works? In God's eyes, we are all meant to be so loved that each is protected beyond what they could do for themselves.
You cannot properly love another until you appreciate yourself. God has created you, specifically in this earth. He wanted you. Respect yourself as His beloved child. Believe in yourself to be the kind of soul He believes you are: humble, honest, compassionate, wise.
15:14-15 Jesus wants us to understand our relationship with Him, we are a family. His instruction guides us and when we follow faithfully with agreement and purpose, we take our place in the family. Although we work for God, are fellow workers with God 1 Corinthians 3:9, it's a blessed privilege. God supplies His family with all the wisdom and ability we need to accomplish beautiful things.
God shares all wisdom, nothing is kept hidden. His entire plan is laid out for us to pick up and absorb.
15:16 Jesus speaks to a specific group: God knows our souls. He speaks to the humbly, purely compassionate and makes known that they have been appointed to do great work on the earth. God has appointed these souls because they are sturdy in faith, compassionate of heart and wise of thought -- they are able, brave and willing to even change the world with God at their side. Be productive in your kindness, with God you will change the parts of the world that need fixing.
Again: God will give to you abundantly. God knows that kind souls pray selflessly for justice, health and happiness for all -- He is so happy to answer those prayers. Ask in the name of the philosophy Jesus brought -- humility and empathy -- and our lovely creator will give.
15:17 Jesus reiterates the core of the message: To love each other as kindly, patiently, and completely as we have been selflessly loved by God.
15:18 You will have adversaries. Jesus and each of the prophets God sent to the earth had many, many fierce adversaries. Why? Because children of God have a purpose on earth, and their purpose is to challenge and defeat evil, injustice and greed in the world. The desperation to retain power, wealth and fame creates these fierce enemies, people who will boldly and ceaselessly fight for their desires.
Yet each of God's children, each prophet, accomplishment amazing justices during their time on earth. They worked with God and following His wise lead and protection and upon completing their purpose, returned to Him. There is no death for God's children.
We must all be brave. We have a purpose and our purpose requires our courage. Most fortunately for us, our source of courage also equips us with wisdom, guidance, love and opportunity.
Jesus wants you to remember that although you will have adversaries, their hatred is not truly for you... it is for the God, for the philosophy of life Jesus brought to the world. Do not take it personally, allow God to defend you... to take the brunt of their anger. He can handle it. Do good, don't fear and let God lead you.
15:19 There is a difference between a person/soul who is of the world and a person/soul who is of God. A person of the world desires material and power, money, fame and control. A person of God desires love and justice, wisdom and life. These types of people will always conflict on earth -- God's children are not accepted by the people of the world, the selfish and evil. And we wouldn't want to be. So take their rejection of you with pride.
God has chosen you, distinguished you from the corrupt and loves your compassionate soul. He has chosen you to do amazing work in His name and your kind work upsets the evil... job well done.
15:20 Jesus came as a worker of God. As fellow workers of God, you can expect the same treatment He got. You will have disagreements with adversaries but you will also inspire and help others with your kindness.
15:21 Always remember that behind you, around you, before you is God, fortifying you with courage and protection. When evil goes against you, it is actually challenging God -- and therefore it will never win.
15:22 They know better; they were taught right from wrong. Jesus came to the earth with the wisdom of God and He declared that kindness and justice should always be fostered. You can rest assured that the repercussions of their actions will inevitably strip them of their voice and power.
15:23 As Jesus came as the embodiment of all that God is, the rejection of the philosophy He brought to the world is the rejection of God. God wants you to know that He is able to clearly distinguish the just from the unjust. Jesus brought the world compassion and the bearers of it are the only ones who God will allow to be with Him.
15:24 This is the opportunity we all are given by our time on earth: the experience and ability to know and choose good or evil. Having personally confronted both good and evil, we all must choose which one to uphold. Having the knowledge makes us responsible. Responsible for our good and kindness or, for some, responsible for evil and injustice.
God gives us the freedom to make our own decisions. The freedom: our lives on earth constantly teaching us and then allowing us to make decisions. That way, when we do make decisions they are fully informed ones. We were able to choose for ourselves -- and therefore it's entirely fair that we are responsible for what we choose.
15:25 Scripture is fulfilled, having predicted that Jesus would be unjustly hated. This is a lesson for us that extends into the world today especially -- greed will always be an adversary. It will always be the chaos and desperation of the world. Greed is the root of all evil, selfishness, injustice and deception. Jesus was unjustly hated because greed puts its own desire above everything else, including the well-being of others (which is what Jesus stood and stands for). Sadly, this is not new news to anyone living on the earth today.
Yet each of God's children, each prophet, accomplishment amazing justices during their time on earth. They worked with God and following His wise lead and protection and upon completing their purpose, returned to Him. There is no death for God's children.
We must all be brave. We have a purpose and our purpose requires our courage. Most fortunately for us, our source of courage also equips us with wisdom, guidance, love and opportunity.
Jesus wants you to remember that although you will have adversaries, their hatred is not truly for you... it is for the God, for the philosophy of life Jesus brought to the world. Do not take it personally, allow God to defend you... to take the brunt of their anger. He can handle it. Do good, don't fear and let God lead you.
15:19 There is a difference between a person/soul who is of the world and a person/soul who is of God. A person of the world desires material and power, money, fame and control. A person of God desires love and justice, wisdom and life. These types of people will always conflict on earth -- God's children are not accepted by the people of the world, the selfish and evil. And we wouldn't want to be. So take their rejection of you with pride.
God has chosen you, distinguished you from the corrupt and loves your compassionate soul. He has chosen you to do amazing work in His name and your kind work upsets the evil... job well done.
15:20 Jesus came as a worker of God. As fellow workers of God, you can expect the same treatment He got. You will have disagreements with adversaries but you will also inspire and help others with your kindness.
15:21 Always remember that behind you, around you, before you is God, fortifying you with courage and protection. When evil goes against you, it is actually challenging God -- and therefore it will never win.
15:22 They know better; they were taught right from wrong. Jesus came to the earth with the wisdom of God and He declared that kindness and justice should always be fostered. You can rest assured that the repercussions of their actions will inevitably strip them of their voice and power.
15:23 As Jesus came as the embodiment of all that God is, the rejection of the philosophy He brought to the world is the rejection of God. God wants you to know that He is able to clearly distinguish the just from the unjust. Jesus brought the world compassion and the bearers of it are the only ones who God will allow to be with Him.
15:24 This is the opportunity we all are given by our time on earth: the experience and ability to know and choose good or evil. Having personally confronted both good and evil, we all must choose which one to uphold. Having the knowledge makes us responsible. Responsible for our good and kindness or, for some, responsible for evil and injustice.
God gives us the freedom to make our own decisions. The freedom: our lives on earth constantly teaching us and then allowing us to make decisions. That way, when we do make decisions they are fully informed ones. We were able to choose for ourselves -- and therefore it's entirely fair that we are responsible for what we choose.
15:25 Scripture is fulfilled, having predicted that Jesus would be unjustly hated. This is a lesson for us that extends into the world today especially -- greed will always be an adversary. It will always be the chaos and desperation of the world. Greed is the root of all evil, selfishness, injustice and deception. Jesus was unjustly hated because greed puts its own desire above everything else, including the well-being of others (which is what Jesus stood and stands for). Sadly, this is not new news to anyone living on the earth today.
15:26-27 Although the above is true, the spirit of God is always in control and is always present, prevalent and prevailing. The children of God will always remind humanity of that -- that His compassion and love are always there. The truth of God is in the earth, the spiritual perceptive can clearly hear it.
Jesus reminds us of the Helper, the Comforter that He has offered you: John 14:16. Never forget that God has given you love, guidance and protection. You are not alone. He guides your life. He ensures that His spirit, His angels are forever with you. Your compassion is a formidable, unbeatable opponent against evil. Be purposefully compassionate, with God you will always succeed.
Jesus reminds us of the Helper, the Comforter that He has offered you: John 14:16. Never forget that God has given you love, guidance and protection. You are not alone. He guides your life. He ensures that His spirit, His angels are forever with you. Your compassion is a formidable, unbeatable opponent against evil. Be purposefully compassionate, with God you will always succeed.