Friday, March 18, 2016

NT: The Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2

The Acts of the Apostles 2:1-47

2:1 It's Pentecost, meaning "50" -- as in 50 days from Passover, celebrated first in Exodus with Moses. A celebration of liberation achieved through God. The disciples are unanimous in their love and devotion to their purpose of teaching.

Side note: 1 Corinthians 5:7 Jesus is proclaimed as our Passover, the divine vessel through which our liberation comes. Meaning that -- God rescues us from adversity. Jesus worked so hard to tether us to God so that we would allow Him to guide us out of our tribulations. 

2:2 Quite fantastically, an intelligence, the creative force of God provided the disciples with a skill they would need to traverse the world with God's philosophy -- the ability to speak the languages of the people they were going to be teaching. 

God still provides. God enables us to develop our skill in the areas we will need to bring and live His message. Throughout our lifetimes, He leads our path, places opportunity and instruction along our way. He helps us to hone our abilities so that when it is our time to work we are ready.

Remain a student of God and of life. Put your most focused attention and best effort toward listening, observing and perceiving your surroundings and experiences. God is working to make you wise and ready; work with Him and flourish.

2:3 Each of the twelve disciples were given the knowledge to speak more than just their native language.

2:4 Here is what God did: He enabled the disciples to communicate in a comprehensive way, previously unknown to the world. He enabled the disciples to supersede the limits of language as the world had and has known it. Breaking the barriers between diverse languages, God enabled the disciples to speak such that when their speech was heard, it was heard in whatever language the listener spoke. 

This is just one instance exemplifying to us that God is not limited by any barriers. His spirit and the spiritual, which we all come from, are not hindered or influenced by the confines of this earth.  This book we are studying was the birth of God's philosophy in the world. For it to spread and travel and thrive across nation and continent, it needed life and ability from God.

Our progress of knowledge now is a bit more gradual and we work for it by studying, practicing, staying motivated and determined. The disciples were about to do some of the hardest, most important work to ever be done and it needed to be done quickly and efficiently, it needed to reach everyone. God enabled that to happen. The disciples had the faith, the motivation, the work effort and as we ourselves will discover, when you have those things, God provides the rest. 

2:5-6 People were aware. When the force of God enters the world, it's not something that occurs unnoticed. Following the sound, the multitude of students realized the disciples were communicating with each of them as a group -- seemingly impossible as they each understood different languages.

Some people think God gave the disciples a special language but what God actually gave the disciples was a platform on which to rise above the limits of language. For example: If I were speaking to you in English, but you only understood Arabic, you would hear Arabic coming out of my mouth -- and if the person next to you was also listening, and spoke Italian, they would hear Italian. Yet I, the speaker, not knowing to speak either Arabic or Italian, would hear myself speaking English. Either way -- the message is the same, just built with different colored blocks. 

2:7-8 Understandably, the crowd was amazed. Intelligence not yet known to the world was exhibited to them and they worked to fully understand it. We can imagine if the same thing happened even now, it would certainly get people talking!

2:9-11 Speakers of all of these different languages were present and each of them understood. Rightly, people quickly recognized the works of our God.

2:12-13 As there always is, there was a mix of opinion and reaction among the multitude present. Some thought: 1) work of God, others 2) amazing, perplexing occurrence, and others 3) disbelieving, and thinking inebriation must be responsible. Funnily, these three reactions remind me of, respectively 1) Believer, 3) Agnostic and 3) Atheist -- the three divisions we have always had in the world.

2:14-16 Peter rises to explain that rather than inebriation, scripture was being fulfilled. Peter brings us to Joel 2:28-32. In the following verses, using scripture from Joel, Peter will explain that these works of God into the minds and hearts of humans will not be the last. God will continue to impart His children with perceptive ability. 

2:17 Nearing the time of the return, the second Advent of Jesus, God's children will receive God's spirit, preparing them to prepare the world. We read in the gospels of the "end times" the times that come right before the new beginning. We read of how much faith will be required to ensure that truth and wisdom remains in the earth and strength against intelligent, deceptive adversity. 

We have nothing to fear as God's children because He arms us with Himself -- if we allow Him to be, He pours into us everything we require.

Sons, daughters, the youthful, the elderly... each of God's children, without discrimination will be given such gifts as the disciples were given. The disciples were the soldiers in the beginning and in "the end" there will also be soldiers -- each batch equally prepared and equipped: with prophesy, visions and dreams. With these things, we will be prepared and able against adversity and disrupt in the world.

2:18 On all workers of God's philosophy, men and women.

2:19 Peter continues to preach from Joel with passion and faith, he speaks because he believes: God has promised to make these signs apparent to His perceptive, vigilant children in the skies we live under, in the earth we live on. 

2:20 As with any other time the profound presence of God entered the earth, all nature will react. Solar and lunar eclipses, alignments... the universe is connected with God, it expresses itself as another creation of God.

2:21 A reminder of a promise from God, through Joel, through Peter, to us... to you: If and when you ask God to save you... to save you from something, someone or even yourself, He will. He will save you. He's your personal superhero, your divine-hero, your rescuer, your parent, the life inside of you. 

In the world we hear a lot, and often condescendingly, listen to God to be saved! So many religions and organizations constantly accuse people of being sinners. This is so contradictory. God loves us, He understands that we stumble and more than that, He understands why and He's empathetic. He wants to remove those stumbling blocks for us. He saves us from that which hurts and harms us. You are His child first and foremost and because of that, you are not automatically bound for punishment. He does not save you from this bizarre construct of "hell" humans have created. He saves you from your enemies, from being victims. He makes you strong and wise -- He enables you to be your own superhero.

Side note: There is no hell. Evil is blotted out of existence.

2:22 Peter speaks of the Jesus they, and we, grew to know and love. God indeed revealed His love and trust for Jesus through all the wisdom and ability He gave Him: miracles, wonders and signs. Love, compassion and humility.

2:23 I love this because I hope for all of us to accept it in our own lives: "delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God." To be delivered to earth with the determined purpose of our omniscient God...

Jesus had been killed by certain of humanity, but Peter focuses on the ascension of Jesus.

2:24 Raised by God into heaven, free of pain and fear...such pure love and compassion is untouchable.

2:25 Peter redirects us to scripture in Psalm 16:8-11: in which David speaks of Jesus:

He always remained focused on God and His purpose and love for humanity. He keeps God as His pillar, His foundation of strength.

2:26 Jesus was filled with love and elation, with so much joy and gladness to be a participant in God's compassionate plan. He was and is happy to promote and inspire the connection between God and His children.

Even facing death on earth, Jesus knew that not only His spirit but also His body would rest, contentedly with hope that God's philosophy would spread and enlighten all of humanity. No fear, no anxiety. 

2:27 Jesus completely trusted that God would take care of Him, would nourish and protect Him.

2:28 Jesus acknowledges all of the wisdom God imparted into Him. He expresses how wholeheartedly joyful He was to rejoin God in the spirit, to bask in His love and glory. Jesus, our fellow child of God, is so grateful to be His child.

2:29-30 Peter speaks of the unfolding promises of God -- that Jesus would be born through the faithful lineage that began with David the prophet. A reminder that we are all a family -- extensions of each other, together carrying out God's philosophy in the world when we live and work faithfully compassionate. 2 Samuel 7:12-13 is specifically referenced.

2:31-32 Jesus transfigured directly into the spirit. Jesus was entirely a spiritual child of God and therefore, eternally, He shall remain so. Jesus was a reminder to us that kind children of God never die.

2:33 Jesus ascended to the literal and metaphorical right hand of God -- The Active Participant and Propellant of God's philosophy in the world. The ultimate worker and wielder of God's spirit in the earth. Jesus used that to prepare, protect and sustain us, God's children as we carry out our own purposes for and with Him.

See it and hear it, it's available to us to reign for good.

2:34-35 God promised Jesus and therefore us, through Him, that our enemies will become inconsequential, insignificant.

2:36 Peter speaks to them: descendants of the initial tribes of His children.  (Yet remember that we come through those lines). For His work, Jesus was blessed as an overseer, our shepherd. The shepherd.

2:37 This message deeply penetrated their minds and hearts. It's a powerful message but it also unfolding right before their eyes. When they grasped its truth, they inquired as to how to become participants. A lot of us still wonder, how do I join this family? How do I take my place as God's child?

2:38 Find the compassion in your heart to realign yourself with truth and love. Absorb the message, bravely and happily cloak yourself (thoughts and actions) with it's wisdom and power... and finally, receive. God is so happy to equip you when you wholeheartedly ask to be.

Why in the name of Jesus? Because Jesus was the pure exemplification of everything God stands for. Jesus is the manifestation of every quality of God: wisdom, love, truth, humility, compassion. By accepting those things, you accept Him. By accepting Him, you accept those things.

2:39 The promise is made to every soul. We are all welcome, no matter how lost we are. When we pave our path of life with compassion, we inevitably reach our home, our divine creator. No matter our current location, distant or murky as it is, we reach take our place in God's family when we fill ourselves and our actions with love -- love, the DNA of our spiritual God.

2:40 Peter devoted himself to the message he was bringing, with depth and passion he taught and encouraged his students to reject the corruption the world is full of and tempting us with. He encouraged us to allow God to redirect us from the crooked paths of greed, deceit, impatience, intolerance, untruth. This message is contemporary with our current times -- the same corruptions and temptations are in the world, this time bouncing off of and among billions of people at a time! Let God direct you.

2:41 Peter begins to officially fulfill his purpose of uniting people with compassion, with God.

Side note: By this point, the word "God" might to you, as it does to me, seem so inadequate. He is so much more, undefinable even. Work to know Him so personally, so intimately that you just understand each other. Names and titles unnecessary because your relationship is so strong and alive.

Our Elohay Yishi: god of my salvation. Understand Him, know Him on a deeper level than that general 3-letter term.

2:42 They continued steadfastly. Continue steadfastly: firmly entrenched, firmly active in the loving philosophy of our Father.

2:43 This word "fear" is actually Phobos, which can also be translated as revere. There's nothing to fear as  child of God, especially not our Father. They were overcome with reverence, deep respect for He who created and loves us.

Establishing Christianity, the disciples performed many miracles from God. They were the vessels through which His love and instruction came into the world after and through Jesus -- and they were blessed, prepared vessels. If you wish to be, you can also be such a vessel.

2:44-45 Disciples and students alike began to work and live with each other in a way that each was as well taken care of as the other. Love surrounded and upheld them. They filled the needs of their fellow humans.

2:46 So much life wisdom and instruction in these last 2 verses! How to live a happy and purposeful life:
1) Continued daily with one accord: Be focused. Motivated. Determined. Identify your values, establish your faith and every day, wake up and work to fulfill your purpose of sustaining those values and that faith in the world and people around you.
2) House to house eating bread with gladness: In every friendship, relationship, encounter with other people, great them with happiness and with the wisdom of God in your body and soul. Jesus, our metaphorical bread, our sustenance with which we help to fill the world.
3) Simplicity of heart: Let your heart's every intention be focused on these simple truths: compassion, honestly, love and wisdom. Do not let yourself be tempted or overcome with the complications of stress or desire or intolerance. Let compassion fill and focus your heart.

2:47 How to live a happy and purposeful life, continued:
4) Praising God: Be aware and grateful for His constant presence, guidance and protection in your life. Let yourself be filled with wonder at all He has created, all He can do... there are miracles all around and within us.
5) Having favor with all people: Be perceptive and optimistic, give people a chance. Seek good in them, especially when they can't find it in themselves. Do not harshly judge or deny. This is a complex world, each person is influenced by many factors and we cannot possibly understand the full scope. There is good in people and places we might not expect -- be open to that idea. Accept diversity of culture and thought; together we make up a beautifully complex and colorful fabric. Remember that there are many modes of transportation to same destination, different doesn't mean wrong.
6) Enabling God: Be an instrument God can work with to reach more and more people and therefore welcome them to the family. Your life itself is a testimony... when people encounter your joy and peace it will speak of your spirit, of the One who gave you that spirit and your smile, your actions might inspire them to join.