6:1 The number of the disciples was increasing: 120 to 3,000 to 5,000 and on. God's philosophy of life was inspiring people and they were absorbing it.
6:2 In a crowd of mixed languages, the disciples needed to appoint a person to specifically teach to the Hellenists. The disciples were given the ability to understand and speak the language of their audience but their audience was linguistically split -- and therefore they needed to attend to both individually.
Hellenist - Hebrew person who speaks in the Greek language, and studies in the Greek manuscript.
Hebrew - Hebrew person who speaks in the Aramaic language and studies in the Hebrew manuscript.
6:3 They sought to appoint seven faithful people to the task of teaching specifically to the Hellenists.
6:4 Rather than further divide the teaching and be a little deficient in number to serve the multitude, they added teachers.
6:5 Added were: Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas. They were very careful and particular in choosing teachers -- a teach needs to be rock-solid in faith and compassion and wisdom.
6:6-7 United as apostles, they continued to spread and trust God's philosophy of life and love.
6:8-9 Stephen's brilliance of faith quickly distinguished him and it drew the attention of enemies.
6:10 As happens when corruption challenges the wisdom and truth of God -- Stephen's adversaries were not able to dispute his logic against their false claims (we have repeatedly seen this, first through Jesus against His adversaries and then through various disciples against their adversaries).
6:11-12 They conspired and deceptively worked to build a (lying)-crowd against Stephen which led to his capture.
6:13-14 This raucous, obnoxious, evil and deceptive crowd grows increasingly rowdy and determined to condemn innocent Stephen to false claims against him. Yet as they increase in their ridiculous fervor...
6:15 ... Stephen is revealed to them as an angel of God. Not a human at all but an angel here on earth promoting the word of God to humanity. Quietly, humbly joining the mission, purpose and work of the apostles and God's children. With complete humility, this angel worked as a fellow with humanity.
And again -- God's sense of humor: No matter how bold or clever our adversaries think they are -- they lose and are weak. They arrested an angel of God: can you imagine the desperation of that kind of "oops" moment? This ridiculous crowd thought that their horrid-fervor could mute, block, hinder, condemn and even kill Stephen -- but God's children are protected.
Right among the apostles were angels working alongside them. It's no different for you -- there are angels working alongside us. Angels of God are placed throughout the earth to defend, inspire and promote Gods' children -- if our enemies were indeed as clever as they think they are, they would never go against us, we the children of God defended by angels and by His love. The protection is offered to you: God will enter (and protect) your life upon receiving your trust and your permission: John 14:16.
This account of Stephen is instructive: No member of God's family is without humility, purpose, compassion or work ethic. Collectively, God's family joins in the effort of bringing justice and compassion to the world. Jesus taught us this and Stephen reiterates the message.