8:1-4 The Shulamite woman wanted to be as close with her love as she was with her family; her separation from him was excruciating. We do not thrive when we are separated from God for He is our family.
8:5 Their love was fascinating to observers. Our relationship with God is a testimony to the world, usually when we do not even realize it.
8:6-7 The young woman wished to be known and remembered always by her love. She wished for a loyal and steadfast relationship. God wishes for us to be loyal and steadfast with Him, also. He wants to be known and remembered by us as He knows and remembers us. Love is an indescribable strength... but broken or betrayed loved, jealousy, is also fierce. It is better that our relationship remain true and wholesome and loyal.
8:8-9 The young woman was kept from her love... they tried to put up walls between her and him.
8:10-14 But Shulamite was a garden enclosed. Her walls were up to ensure loyalty to her love. Likewise we must not allow any thing or person to come between us and God. The world might try to compete or tempt us but ultimately, what the world offers falls far short of what our relationship with God offers.