Song of Solomon 6:1-13
6:1 The Shulamite's intense love for this man caused others to be interested in him.
6:2-3 When they asked her where he was, she answered that he was in his garden. Jesus is the in the eternal kingdom of God, and it is indeed as a garden... lush with the Living water and provisional fruit.
6:4-10 The Shulamite's love and faith in their relationship warmed the man. He loved her and described her as beautiful and graceful. God sees all of us, and still finds us to be beautiful.
6:11-12 The Shulamite was homesick in the king's house; she visited the gardens but they were not like the the garden where she fell in love. Indeed nothing can compare to the haven, love and beauty of God.
6:13 The king, the ways of the world, clung to the Shulamite. She did not understand why they would not let her go to her love. Do not let the ways of the secular world cling to you and hinder you or persuade you away from your relationship with God.