3:1-3 Depraved behavior causes the blessings of God to recede. As a form of discipline, God allows us to walk away from our blessings in order to learn that life lived without righteousness is not worthwhile.
3:4-5 In exchange for blessings, the corrupt nation of Judah (and all other corrupt nations, peoples and institutions) find themselves to be comprised of and led by oppressive men and ideologies. Leaders so focused on selfish gains are subsequently deficient of the wisdom and selflessness which arranges the well-being of the people within their jurisdiction.
3:6-7 No ruler or party within a nation will take accountability for their actions which damaged the nation; much time spent on blame rather than correction.
3:8-9 If only Judah, and any nation or individual who behaves shamefully, would admit their mistake and endeavor to rectify (rather than repeat) it, so much progress would be made by man and humanity. God is incredulous to observe, however, that people do not feel remorse for their actions, and continue instead, in their selfish behavior... purposely, neglectfully ignorant of the harm their actions cause.
3:10 The righteous are always protected by God, always provided for by Him. Even in the midst of a damaged and corrupt nation, the love, support and provision of God ensures that righteous behavior is blessed.
3:11-12 The wicked also receive that they sow. God calls us to awake to corrupt behavior in order that we can separate ourselves from it. He warned the people of Judah and simultaneously, He warns us. We need to be very wise and selected about who we decide to trust and follow and learn from. Only our God is qualified for those tasks.
3:13-15 As God's children, we should be grateful that He is angry and indignant on behalf of the righteous. God's anger is a reflection of His deep love and commitment to righteousness; those who harm or cause discord ignite His wrath. He watches as corrupt and selfish behavior damages the world and well-being of humanity and here in Isaiah, He asks: "what do you mean by crushing My people and grinding the faces of the poor?" What is the point of destruction of others for personal gain?
3:16-17 God rejects the stubborn, the haughty, the lustful, the destructive. He has promised to reveal all corruption and dismantle it, strike it and eliminate it.
3:18-23 The haughty will be humbled. Their "impressive" things and lifestyles will crumble. For God judges a person based on the quality of their soul and thus the fine things of the world will not count for anything.
3:24-26 All of the gain of corrupt and selfish behavior will become a snare their possessors. Reduced, humbled, exposed by the righteous judgement of God.