29:1 We cannot habitually reject constructive criticism; it makes us stubborn and causes us to neglect character growth. Regardless of any individual's specific circumstances, we all have room to grow within us. It is crucial that we continue to grow in character and spirit throughout our lives. Growth in character enables us to live more objectively and compassionately.
29:2 Righteous leadership promotes the well-being of the people; conversely, cruel leadership causes distress.
29:3 We cause God to rejoice when we pursue and cherish wisdom, that is: the philosophy in scripture He has left for us to search and know. But when we live chasing our desires and temptations, making worldly things our idols, we waste our blessed, valuable place in the Kingdom of God.
29:4 Good, secure things are established through works of justice. Bribery and deceit ensure inevitable destruction.
29:5 It is not kind or prudent to flatter someone. People require honesty in order to continually grow in a space of self-awareness.
29:6 Evil actions inevitably ensnare the evil-doer, but God causes the works of the righteous to succeed.
29:7 Good humans are aware and empathetic (and active) toward the plight of others. A wicked person can be identified by their ignorance of disparity and unwillingness to care about people in distress.
29:8 It is destructive to have an angry, scoffing temperament. A wise person is, with their solemnity, able to quell the storm.
29:9 Wisdom and foolishness are like oil and water, they do not mix well enough to communicate productively.
29:10 Ruthless persons neglect and despise those in need but the righteous seek to help them.
29:11 A fool explodes all of their immediate emotions and reactions hastily in a situation. A wise person waits and reflects instead of speaking hastily.
29:12 Corruption negatively influences the people around it.
29:13 It is good to remain humble, for though an evil man might find himself with power, he is under the same divine law and the person he is oppressing. God (and God's law) is above him.
29:14 God establishes leaders who are honest and compassionate and fair.
29:15 It is important to discipline children (and adults) otherwise they become spoiled, ignorant and self-righteous.
29:16 Free will on the earth means that sometimes the wicked will multiply but God promises that we will see their end.
29:17 Give children correction, it will help them and bring peace to the relationship. They will learn respect and work-ethic and so much more from gentle, steadfast correction throughout childhood.
29:18 God's law (this scripture) provides us with order and comfort and hope. To live without it is chaotic and dangerous.
29:19 Whenever teaching someone anything, we must explain and lead by example.
29:20 It is not prudent to speak hastily. We must wait until we have all of the facts and can respond calmly and objectively.
29:21 We should treat the people around us well and they will become like precious family.
29:22 Anger is useless and destructive; it causes situations to become worse. Actions done from a furious mindset cause one to make many harmful mistakes. We must work with God to process our emotions so that we respond appropriately to situations which bother us.
29:23 Pride will eventually cause a person to fall, but humility always benefits a person's reputation... God ensures that it is so.
29:24 To partner with evil is to discard one's own life.
29:25 Fear and anxiety trap a person... but trust in God provides safety.
29:26 So often humanity seeks praise and comfort and favor from other humans but it is most important that we endeavor to please God. When we endeavor to please God, our intentions and motivations are in alignment with a righteous lifestyle.
29:27 The righteous and unrighteous have an entirely different view of life and are unable to respect each other.