Proverbs 27:1-27
27:1 Be present in the current day. There is much to glean from each day, God prefers that we are alert and observant in it, rather than overly concerned about what is next.
27:2 Live righteously and humbly and others will acknowledge you honorably. It is not prudent or attractive or wise to praise oneself; arrogance is a distraction that obscures the reality of situations and causes the arrogant one to miss or ruin opportunities.
27:3 Wrath sits heavily on a person's conscious; it is an unbearable weight that wearies and pollutes a person's soul.
27:4 Jealousy is a poison that ruins a person inside and out. As God's children, we must learn and trust that if we are meant to have something, God will ensure that we do... and if we do not have something, God does not mean it to be in our lives.
27:5 Even though stressful, it is sometimes easier to start an argument than it is to admit love.
27:6 A friend is able to be honest even when it hurts but an enemy will tell a harmful lie just because it's easier.
27:7 When truly hungry, desperate for something, everything taste is sweet. But when we are content and satisfied, we sometimes take for granted the sweetest of a thing. Remember to be grateful to God in good times as much as we rely on Him in bad!
27:8 We must not wander from the path of God or from our honest selves. He is our home and safe place.
27:9 Friendship is a comfort to the heart, a source of counsel and support.
27:10 Be true to your friends. Do not neglect anyone in favor of friendship with someone else.
27:11 Live wisely and make God proud. Good character will enable others to stand by you and defend you when necessary.
27:12 Prudent people are able to plan and prepare for all circumstances for they listen to and learn from God. However, someone who does not listen to God will make mistakes which cause them to fall.
27:13 If you recommend a person or vouch for them, ensure that they are honorable.
27:14 Do not flatter people for selfish means.
27:15-16 It's difficult and chaotic to life with a contentious person.
27:17 Good friends sharpen each other, cause and inspire the other to become better in character.
27:18 Those who keep with the kingdom of God will reap the benefits within it; and those who are steadfastly loyal to God and wait on His will will be honored.
27:19 A person's actions and amount of compassion towards others, reveals who they truly are.
27:20 Unchecked is a bottomless pit. We must learn to live with and value moderation and appreciation for what we have.
27:21 Our quality character speaks of our value.
27:22 A fool resists personal growth and ignores lessons to change their behavior.
27:23-27 Be diligent; take care of the people in your life. Do not value riches over the well-being of others. Wealth and power and temporary and fragile but love of others should be solid and permanent. Our relationship with God naturally provides for us all that we need and nourishes our souls.