The book of Ecclesiastes is scripture that helps us to live a fulfilling life on earth. It helps us to recognize the separation between body and spirit and then to link them in productive purpose in faith. King Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes; he used his position and resources to investigate the purpose of life. Everything was within his grasp, so he was able to test and weigh all things and lifestyles.
1:1-2 Solomon's first observation was that... all is vanity. Solomon found that all earthly goods and pleasures were vain and vapid pursuits. None of them gave him fulfillment or lasting joy.
1:3 It is unwise to live life to procure. At the end of the day (and life), the acquisition of material things does not change the fact that all humans pass on from the earth and require meaning before they do so.
1:4-7 Generations of people live and pass, but as time continues, humans continue to experience the same seasons and emotions. Without a connection to spirit, life would be mundane. The laws of nature are firmly established; subtle things change but ultimately humans do not.
1:8 Solomon realized that desire cannot be satisfied, and the effort to try to satisfy desire is labor wearisome beyond expression.
1:9-11 Time passes, generations change, but humans remain the same. Solomon realized that without a spiritual connection in life, neither past nor future hold anything new or of value to present humans.
1:12-14 Solomon made it his mission to discover the purpose of life, to find meaning. From an existentialist standpoint, he felt that life was a burdensome task given to humans. An exercise... but for what? From everything he has observed as a rich, powerful man, all seemed quite meaningless. Without God, life does seem burdensome and meaningless. Without God, it is frustrating and fruitless, wearisome and even disheartening.
1:15 Without God there is no order or correction, no possible, purposeful change.
1:16-17 Solomon, because of his great status, was able to realize that wealth and power and satisfaction of desire were not enough to give a person fulfillment. He endeavored to understand more, the deeper meaning. Something authentic that lasts. He did not want to live a purposeless existence and he helps us to avoid that fate as well. He was unable to find happiness in worldly things, we will be unable as well.
1:18 All of the wisdom in the world does not help us to solve the despair of disparity, or loneliness or fear. Humans require a relationship with God in order to truly fulfill their spirits.