Psalm 115:1-18
115:1-2 It is so healthy for us to wake up grateful for our God. We are special because we are loved by Him, but we are flawed. We have limitations and shortcomings but God fills in all those spaces with grace and mercy, love and instruction. We give glory to Him because it is due, and also because it reminds us that His mercy and His truth keep joy and productivity in our lives.
115:3-8 Other people trust in idols like wealth and fame. We trust in our God in Heaven. We trust in the works of God's hands rather than the works of men. So much of the way of the world is nonsensical and even harmful. But God sees the justice in every situation. God inspires the compassion that makes life worthwhile. God teaches us to live productive, and spiritually productive lives, while the secular world wastes life with false idols and lame pursuits. To trust in or love an inanimate things is fruitless. God teaches us to value what actually matters.
115:9-11 Therefore trust in God. He is our help and shield; our provision and protection. We fear/revere the Lord because of His graceful assistance and almighty power.
115:12-13 Our God cares about us. He will bless us, small and great, who trust in Him.
115:14-15 A prayer made by the Psalmist that we who love God will be blessed with increase throughout our lives and our children's lives. Jesus taught us to love one another, and to pray for another is an important form of love.
115:16-18 All things belong to God; yet He has given us this beautiful planet earth as a spiritual classroom. Others may do as they wish but we choose to praise God. We are alive in faith, awakened to life's meaning and truth. Forevermore. We praise the Lord.