109:1 Our prayer as children of God should always be for His interjection. We do not wish for His silence; we do not trust in our own roam. We pray for His will; we have gratitude for His "yes"; His "no"; and in His "not yet".
109:2-5 The Psalmist was surrounded by enemies and accusations. Without gentleness they were challenged. But he did not give himself to fear. He gave himself to prayer. He could not arrange for his own justice but knew that God could. And would. So we make commitments to God's will above our own.
109:6-20 We pray for God's justice to be administered throughout the world. There is so much corruption and disparity that only He can unravel and remove sufficiently. When we are upset it can be easily to wish ill on others; but Jesus taught us to be fiercer in faith than that. To trust in God's will and Hand in our lives enough that we do not need to seek vengeance of our own. Of course we have a justice system in our society that is in alignment with God's will; evil is not allowed to roam freely, unpunished.
The truly wicked and evil have been condemned to extinction. We do not have to fear that evil will escape justice.
109:21-25 But as for us, we also ask for God's judgement. Because for His children who a faithful and kind, He is merciful and good. He delivers us from the places and people and emotions that inhibit the light in our lives. We become weary but only until we call out to God.
109:26-29 We pray for help, as the psalmist did; and then we, and the people around us, witness God's Hand in our lives. The blessings that come to the righteous; the curses that go to the wicked. The joy of the kind; the shame of the unkind.
109:30-31 We praise God because He stands for and by the meek, the poor, the orphan, the weak, the distressed. He saves us from that which wrongfully condemns.