108:1-4 Solid and peaceful is the soul that has committed itself to God. To wake in the morning with the praise of God on your heart; to love Him proudly among the peoples of the world. For the mercy of God over His children is immeasurable and thus inspires a joy that cannot be contained. The truth of His word covers the whole earth.
108:5-6 As children of God we choose to exalt Him exclusively. We do not exalt material or power or fame. They are not our idols. Our idol is our Lord who rescues us out of our fears and prisons. He hears and saves. He listens and cares and acts.
108:7-9 God has established righteousness and so we rejoice. All the earth belongs to Him; He has plans for every person. He assigns purpose and judgement to all; and for the righteous: it is good.
108:10-13 Who but God will bring us into strength? Who but God can deliver us from enemies? No one. No thing. No force. He is present with us as we soldier through. He protects and assists and provides in a way that no one ever could. Through God we triumph over impossible enemies and odds; because, after all, He does all the work. We commit to His righteousness and He goes before us, with us into all places and ensures the outcome is victory.