42:1-3 David's ultimate thirst in life was for the living water. David's soul longed for the word and presence of God. He pursued God and a righteous lifestyle with eagerness and loyalty. In his distress, David contemplated the one thing that always persevered him: His faith in God.
42:4-5 David's had an internal struggle: he fought the disquiet in himself with praise with God. It is a skill all of God's children should have and hone: the ability to redirect unproductive emotion into remembrance of God and our relationship with Him.
42:6-8 When his soul was cast down, David dove into scripture. He reminded himself of the power and faithfulness of God as He led His children into better land and safe places. He reminded himself of how God protected as he led.
It benefits us to do the same: to delve into scripture when we start to forget Who our God is and what He has done and promised. We need to be constantly conscious of the journey God has undertaken with those who love Him.
42:9-11 David repeatedly, doggedly, reminded his weariness to hope in God. Even though our soul may be committed to God, our body has an inclination to fear. In prayer, David fought that weariness with faith. He praised when he was downtrodden as vehemently as he had praised when he was joyful. He knew that hope and praise were the foundation that gave him life and would keep life within him.
From David we learn to cling to God, to hope when it is hardest to do so. To praise God throughout our life, constantly, regardless of how our circumstances seem to be. We must also doggedly fight to keep our soul in command over our body.