36:1-4 The first several verses of this Psalm, David dedicated to descriptions of the wicked: pride, hate, deceit, iniquity. Sometimes it is important to highlight the characteristics we should not harbor within ourselves, to ensure that we harbor the right ones. The wicked, David explained, do not listen. They have no self-awareness, and are too stubborn to turn from selfish ways or even to understand that their ways are harmful and thus wrong.
36:5-6 Yet David describes God as the complete opposite: merciful, faithful, righteous, just, restorative (generous, kind, productive).
36:7-9 It was easy for David to put his trust in God, because God is a safe place. God lives up to His promises; He deserves our trust. God provides life and light for His children. He is an abundant source of compassion, hope, strength and courage.
36:10-12 David prayed to continue in this lifestyle, this faith; and he asked God to help him keep from stumbling. David recognized that he was imperfect, and he asked God to reinforce him in moments of weakness. He anticipated his inability and relied on God's ability.
36:13 Inevitably (it's already scheduled) the wicked fall and never rise again; but those who love the Lord never truly die.
36:13 Inevitably (it's already scheduled) the wicked fall and never rise again; but those who love the Lord never truly die.