34:1-3 David wanted to worship with others; he wanted to exalt the Lord with many voices, many hearts. As God is our Father, David thought it would be beautiful, powerful to worship together as His children. At all times. To life a life of worship, gratitude and love and awe.
34:4-6 Because when we call to God, He hears. When we seek God, He ensures we find Him. When we are in danger, He rescues. In dark places He shines on us, not with judgement but with mercy. From his lowest states, David called to God and God always answered.
34:7 David reminded us that God encamps around His children. We are surrounded by His shield of protection. We are guaranteed rescue by His love and vigilance.
34:8-10 Trust God and see that He is true. Blessed are those who trust Him, for His promises transform their lives. Every need is filled.
34:11-14 Seek peace and pursue it. David implored us to live righteously, to align our lives with God's philosophy. For He knew that those who learned to follow instruction from God would prevail in peace. David experienced it and prayed that others would as well. That others would give faith the reigns instead of fear. Faith the control instead of anger. Faith instead of temptation and impatience.
34:15-16 It is not prudent to live in opposition with God; but smooth and prosperous is the life that joins His course. Because God is listening to the pleas and needs of His children; He is filling them. He is always actively working toward our betterment, our joy.
34:17-18 We are rescued by God from all things, even broken hearts and contrite spirits. He is able to breathe life back into us; He is able to reignite curiosity and wonder and love. He is able to reanimate us, to give us purpose, and the ability and opportunity to fulfill it.
34:19-22 Life is complex for us but simple for God; with His help, our problems become not just manageable but solvable. He protects us from all sides, including our blind-spots. He guards us. He defends us. He targets and dismantles evil. It seems extraordinary but God's children have experienced the truth of David's statements; his claims are true. God truly is that vigilant and capable in our lives.