Thursday, November 29, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 42

Psalm 42:1-13

42:1-3 David's ultimate thirst in life was for the living water. David's soul longed for the word and presence of God. He pursued God and a righteous lifestyle with eagerness and loyalty. In his distress, David contemplated the one thing that always persevered him: His faith in God.

42:4-5 David's had an internal struggle: he fought the disquiet in himself with praise with God. It is a skill all of God's children should have and hone: the ability to redirect unproductive emotion into remembrance of God and our relationship with Him.

42:6-8 When his soul was cast down, David dove into scripture. He reminded himself of the power and faithfulness of God as He led His children into better land and safe places. He reminded himself of how God protected as he led.

It benefits us to do the same: to delve into scripture when we start to forget Who our God is and what He has done and promised. We need to be constantly conscious of the journey God has undertaken with those who love Him. 

42:9-11 David repeatedly, doggedly, reminded his weariness to hope in God. Even though our soul may be committed to God, our body has an inclination to fear. In prayer, David fought that weariness with faith. He praised when he was downtrodden as vehemently as he had praised when he was joyful. He knew that hope and praise were the foundation that gave him life and would keep life within him.

From David we learn to cling to God, to hope when it is hardest to do so. To praise God throughout our life, constantly, regardless of how our circumstances seem to be. We must also doggedly fight to keep our soul in command over our body. 

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 41

Psalm 41:1-13

41:1-3 God loves and supports the people who help people. God blesses people who use their blessings of talents and resources to assist others in their areas of weakness. Our God is an active God, actively philanthropic, and it pleases him when we are as well. God will strengthen such a person because their life has such an instrumental impact on humanity. He strengthens such people because there's a lot to be done and the workers are few, Matthew 9:37-38.

41:4-9 When David was abandoned and rejected by everyone, he was still claimed and loved by God. God's presence and love and power is present, steadfastly, in our lives. He has infinite compassion and mercy. David experienced bone-deep, soul-crushing weariness but God was able to heal Him of it, and support him through it. So will God do for us.

41:10-12 David wanted to rise in strength again, with integrity. He wanted to represent his faith and God properly. He wanted to be with God on earth and in heaven forever. For nothing else did David hope.

41:13 As always, David expressed praise for God. He was constantly awed by God's majesty, but the abundance of His goodness, strength, responsiveness, and character of justice.

Monday, November 26, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 40

Psalm 40:1-17

40:1 David chose to dedicate his life and soul to the Lord, Psalm 40 explains the intimate reason why. As David endeavored in faith, patient for the blessing of God, he found that God heard him. God was attentive to his prayers, empathetic of his emotions. 

40:2 God became active in David's life as well. He heard and cared but God also acted. He lifted David out of emotional and literal distress. He made a path for David to follow, a path of safety and purpose. God guided David with love.

40:3 God reanimated David. God brought David back to life. Our relationship with God begins a lifelong process of healing and restoration, blessing and love. David wrote about it and evidenced its truth. God put a song in David's mouth, his life. He changed the atmosphere from mourning to joy because God loves to build happiness in His children's lives. For this reason, David lived his whole life to praise God. To revere God. To trust Him. For God proved worthy. 

40:4-5 Blessed is the person who chooses God as judge and authority in their life. David learned from experience that when he followed God and submitted to His will, his life blossomed and his soul found peace. A commitment to truth blesses one's whole life and all the relationships and elements of it. Those who seek to please God, rather than to please other humans, find God's wonderful works in their lives. We clear the way for blessings to land in our lives when we clear away the elements of deceitfulness and selfishness.

40:6-8 God never requires anything in exchange for His love and protection. Our relationship with God is based on love, our love for Him and His for us. David delighted in God's will, it was in his heart. We are in God's heart, and He is in ours.

40:9-10 David used his entire life as a stage and microphone for God's love and truth. Although his relationship with God was intensely personal, David knew it would benefit the world to know about it. Through his professions, he could help others come to God.

40:11-12 David prayed for God's tender mercies, loving-kindness and truth to continually persevere him. Because he knew that God could, and he knew that God would. It is a level a trust we must develop with God overtime, throughout life.  It is God's pleasure to provide mercy, love and preservation to His children.

40:13-14 David prayed for God to deliver him, help him, and thwart his fears and enemies. Who else could we ever ask to do the same for us? As selflessly, as efficiently? As compassionately? Our relationship with God is unique. His omnipotence, and omnipresence and inexplicably abundant love for us affords us blessings we could never receive from anyone or anywhere else.

40:15 David prayed that at the end of a situation, the world would see that God had been moving and solving in his life all along. It is a truly beautiful thing to pray for. We trust God and much of the world does not understand why but we do; and we pray that one day, they will too.

40:16 David prayed for all of the pursuers of God. He prayed for us. He prayed that we would rejoice and have gladness in the generosity and mercy, compassion and power of our Spiritual Father. He prayed that we would love and appreciate the salvation our relationship with God provides. David prayed that God would be magnified. Exalted. He deserves it; the Lord is so worthy.

40:17 It astounded David that God would give attention to us, humble and meek as we are. Undeserving as we are. David was so grateful that God would love him, think on him, help him and deliver him. 

"You are my help and my deliverer;
Do not delay, O my God."

David was so eager, so dependent upon God's presence in his life. Let David be our example of an intimate, authentic, steadfast, unbreakable relationship with God.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 39

Psalm 39:1-13

39:1-5 This Psalm teaches us about perspective; it teaches us about ourselves and our problems in the grand scheme. David felt mute; he was so distressed that he was unable to voice his thoughts and emotions. 

39:4-6 But when he did open his mouth to speak, it was in prayer. He asked for perspective. He needed a reminder that this life, and its accompanying strife, is temporary. He wanted to remember that his problems were not the center of the universe. He sought peace, freedom from what felt like an inescapable distress.

39:7-11 David readjusted his aim, his pursuit. God became his pursuit. Not wealth or power but the peace that is God. The hope that is within Him. David had opened his life to God's discipline and in was in a season of it. He was on the journey to peace but it was hard work, learning from his mistakes to obtain it.

39:12-13 David prayed to God, prayed that God would hear him, speak to him, and look at him. He needed God's strength and mercy as he had had it before he went (temporarily) astray. He was desperate for the heat of discipline to turn into the warmth of love. Although those things are aligned when God disciplines us, it can be difficult to perceive that in the midst of discipline.

So David prayed for perspective.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 38

Psalm 38:1-22

38:1-8 There was a time when David resisted discipline. He resisted taking responsibility. He resisted self-awareness. The only thing he did not resist was temptation and his desires. It was the lowest moment of his life. Quickly, however, David learned that life off the course, life away from God, was too heavy. The fear and shame and desire controlled him and nearly destroyed him. But when David finally acknowledged his foolishness, he returned to God. When he humbled himself, he began the process of emotional and spiritual healing. He began healing his character.

38:9-12 Nothing is hidden from God. God knew David's heart and He knows yours. He knows what you want and how desperately. He knows who, what is against you and how fiercely. But as children of God, we must learn to allow How to decide what we should have and when. We must allow God to protect us instead of allowing worry to occupy us. 

38:13-16 David shut his ear to fear. He turned away from the army of enemies and troubles and faced God. He trusted that God would take care of what was behind his shoulder, as long as David remained within the kingdom. From within the kingdom, we have access to all of the kingdom, including its strength and defense. 

38:17-22 From a place of deep despair, David prayed to God. There was so much on David's mind; some things he caused himself, some he did not. He trusted God to help him manage all of it. He prayed for God's continued presence and power. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 37

Psalm 37:1-40

37:1-2 As children of God, we have a reassurance: God will cut down the workers of iniquity. We have the assurance that our enemies, and the people who disrupt peace in the world, have already lost.

37:3-4 A simple, spiritual formula to life: "trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord,..." and the result of the equation: "...and He shall give you the desires of your heart."

37:5-6 David explained that when we commit our life and spirit to God, when we trust Him with those two things, our life will unfold in joy. He will draw light and righteousness out and into our sphere. When we commit ourselves to peace, He commits Himself to our peace.

37:7-8 Leave anxiety behind. Rest in the Lord; rest in the knowledge and belief that He will provide both what we need and what we pray to have. Our fear and anxiety only causes chaos when Got has already figured the situation out. God always provides an exit when we need it, a restoration, and a redemption. He is our safe haven while we pursue those things.

37:9-11 There is a great inheritance for those who wait on the Lord. To do this, we must trust His timing. We must commit to Him will He designs and organizes, brings into fruition the culmination of His plans. 

37:12-15 It is funny to God, that an enemy of ours would ever think they had power over us. The notion is that absurd! The protection we have from our Father is absolute, impenetrable. 

37:16-20 A humble lifestyle build on a righteous foundation is stronger and more valuable than a prideful life of ill-gained wealth.

37:21-22 A specific outcome has been determined for the righteous: the inheritance of life and love. The outcome for the unrighteous however, is destruction and death. A clear distinction: the unrighteous take; the righteous give.

37:23-24 The life of a committed child of God is ordered; He has planned our steps, steps that lead us directly into blessing. But the wicked are led to their own end. Our anxiety should diminished when we read that our steps are ordered by the Lord! He has determined our path and keeps us on it, no matter what our surroundings suggest.

37:25-26 In his life, David witnessed the truth and generosity of God's promises. The Lord's children are always provided for; our relationship with Him connects us to His storehouse. He always provides enough: enough to live, enough to love, enough to hope. He frequently provides much more than enough.

37:27-29 Choose righteousness and separate yourself from evil. We must work to separate ourselves from elements of evil: greed, anger, lust, vengeance, and deceit. We must choose, daily, honesty and patience, an even temper and kindness. 

37:30-31 A righteous person speaks wisdom because they have been taught by God to listen and observe, to choose justly. Their steps are firm because their foundation is the philosophy of God.

37:32-33 We cannot be trapped by our fears or our enemies. God always rescues us. He is vigilant and responsive. Willing and able.

37:34-36 David experience the might and scope of evil... he always saw it fail. With fear and enemy looming over us, they seem inescapable. But our God parts the seas, He makes a way for us. David hoped that we would take comfort in his experiences; God kept every promise, no matter how impossible it seemed.

37:37-38 We should mark and observe righteous behavior; it is a choice and an art. A lifestyle. It culminates in life prolonged with God. We should be able to distinguish between righteousness and unrighteousness so that we always make the right choice between the two.

37:39-40 Our salvation and our strength is our God. He is our helper and healer and hero. He defends and rescues. Our first step to access His almighty strength and love is to learn to trust Him. To trust that His philosophy is better than all others. To trust that he can fulfill every promise He makes.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 36

Psalms 36:1-12

36:1-4 The first several verses of this Psalm, David dedicated to descriptions of the wicked: pride, hate, deceit, iniquity. Sometimes it is important to highlight the characteristics we should not harbor within ourselves, to ensure that we harbor the right ones. The wicked, David explained, do not listen. They have no self-awareness, and are too stubborn to turn from selfish ways or even to understand that their ways are harmful and thus wrong. 

36:5-6 Yet David describes God as the complete opposite: merciful, faithful, righteous, just, restorative (generous, kind, productive).

36:7-9 It was easy for David to put his trust in God, because God is a safe place. God lives up to His promises; He deserves our trust. God provides life and light for His children. He is an abundant source of compassion, hope, strength and courage.

36:10-12 David prayed to continue in this lifestyle, this faith; and he asked God to help him keep from stumbling. David recognized that he was imperfect, and he asked God to reinforce him in moments of weakness. He anticipated his inability and relied on God's ability.

36:13 Inevitably (it's already scheduled) the wicked fall and never rise again; but those who love the Lord never truly die. 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 35

Psalm 35:1-28

35:1-3 This Psalm was David's prayer for God's defense. Like David, recognize that we are not the hero; God is the champion in our life within all of our battles. It is not a practice of humility so much as it is wise surrender; we need Him.

35:4-8 David trusted God to exert and restore justice to his life. David knew that he did not have to seek his own vengeance, because God restored balance on his behalf. God watches the whole earth, and knows each heart intimately; He misses nothing, and we can trust that He will place order in our lives.

35:9-10 David lived in a constant state of worship; with his whole body, he loved the Lord. All of David's energy went to reverence; it amazed him, the magnitude of God's generosity and ability on behalf of His children.

35:11-16 Whenever David felt unjustly attacked, he returned to his heart that loved God. He delved into prayer. Even though the times were difficult, he had full confidence in God's inevitable control over the situation.

35:17-18 David pleaded often; he needed rescue many times in his life. He always looked to God to provide that rescue, and therefore he always received it. He knew that his moments of feeling desperate and cornered, sad and lost were temporary because God was present with him through it all.

35:19-26 David asked God to disallow evil to get away with the victory. God does not allow His children to be swallowed up by the cruel or haughty.

35:27-28 "Shout for joy and be glad," was David's advice to all of us who have placed our hearts and our hope in God's hands. Magnify Him; God loves to take care of His children. Praise Him all the day long.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 34

Psalm 34:1-22

34:1-3 David wanted to worship with others; he wanted to exalt the Lord with many voices, many hearts. As God is our Father, David thought it would be beautiful, powerful to worship together as His children. At all times. To life a life of worship, gratitude and love and awe.

34:4-6 Because when we call to God, He hears. When we seek God, He ensures we find Him. When we are in danger, He rescues. In dark places He shines on us, not with judgement but with mercy. From his lowest states, David called to God and God always answered. 

34:7 David reminded us that God encamps around His children. We are surrounded by His shield of protection. We are guaranteed rescue by His love and vigilance. 

34:8-10 Trust God and see that He is true. Blessed are those who trust Him, for His promises transform their lives. Every need is filled.

34:11-14 Seek peace and pursue it. David implored us to live righteously, to align our lives with God's philosophy. For He knew that those who learned to follow instruction from God would prevail in peace. David experienced it and prayed that others would as well. That others would give faith the reigns instead of fear. Faith the control instead of anger. Faith instead of temptation and impatience.

34:15-16 It is not prudent to live in opposition with God; but smooth and prosperous is the life that joins His course. Because God is listening to the pleas and needs of His children; He is filling them. He is always actively working toward our betterment, our joy.

34:17-18 We are rescued by God from all things, even broken hearts and contrite spirits. He is able to breathe life back into us; He is able to reignite curiosity and wonder and love. He is able to reanimate us, to give us purpose, and the ability and opportunity to fulfill it. 

34:19-22 Life is complex for us but simple for God; with His help, our problems become not just manageable but solvable. He protects us from all sides, including our blind-spots. He guards us. He defends us. He targets and dismantles evil. It seems extraordinary but God's children have experienced the truth of David's statements; his claims are true. God truly is that vigilant and capable in our lives.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

OT: The Book of Psalms, Psalm 33

Psalm 33:1-22

33:1-3 Authentic praise is beautiful because genuine faith is an expression of love. Therefore we are encouraged to rejoice in God, to lead righteous lifestyles that sing to Him our love and to worship God for His goodness. 

33:4-5 The Lord is so deserving of our praise because He is justice. He is truth. He delights in righteousness and all that it encompasses: love, mercy, justice, truth.  And God offers His goodness to the whole earth; there is no partiality to His love.

33:6-7 He gave us life and surrounded us with life. Our planet and its solar system; our solar system and it's universe. All that is between and within and around; more than we know. 

33:8-9 Marvel. Revere. Express awe in God's creation and in His righteous character. He is unique. Ultimate, and unlike any other force.  Take time to observe His creations; take time to delve into His generosity and love, and marvel. Notice Him while so much of the world neglects.

33:10-12 Blessed are the people and the nations that willingly, gratefully, put themselves under God's authority. With wisdom and love, God orchestrates the best possible scenarios and outcomes for His children. 

33:13-15 From His place, God's keen eye observes and plans for and molds the hearts and life of His children. How blessed are we that He takes such intimate notice! How blessed are we that He is vigilant and compassionate and strong. The Lord is involved in the intricate details of our lives, able to heal and fix and create while destroying fear and enemy.

33:16-19 Our hero, our only hero, is God. Only He is capable of rescuing us from all things, from anything. Anyone. The prudent put their trust in His protection and leadership. The faithful follow Him into safe havens. 

33:20-22 Faithful children of the Lord wait for Him. We wait for His timing, His answers. We trust in His path and His purpose. We rejoice in the journey of our relationship with Him as we live our life. We have peace and joy because we trust in His holy name; we smile because He is merciful and generous and our eternal source of hope.