37:1-5 Elihu continued to speak of the depth and strength of God's power. He spoke as though he were speaking to a person who had never heard of God before, but God was well acquainted with faith.
37:6-13 As creator of the universe, God initiated the process of life, nature and earth. He is in control of and overseeing all the details occurring here.
37:14-18 But Elihu's reflection on God's majesty was ill-purposed; Elihu used his knowledge of God to demean Job. He thought Job an arrogant and wicked man because he refused to actually listen to Job. He preferred to hear himself speak. None of us have to be able to describe God eloquently; it is more sincere that we love him so deeply its inexpressible.
37:19-24 Elihu scoffed at Job's prayer to communicate with God. He thought it impertinent of Job to hope to speak with God. But Job's relationship, as well as our own, with God is a personal and intimate one. God loves to hear from us; He delights in answering. His answers do not always come as quickly or as starkly as we would like, but they are always perfect in timing and delivery. It was faithful of Job to pray to speak honesty with God; we should all feel comfortable asking our Father, our Teacher, questions about love and life.