35:1-3 Elihu's arrogance clouded his ability to understand Job. Job did not think he was perfect or more righteous than God; he was simply a man trying to make sense of events in his life he did not understand. Job was like so many of us are.
35:4-8 It's true that God is above us in purity and wisdom, righteousness, authority and so much more. But Job was not questioning God's status. Job did not want to sin, neither did he think he could match God in goodness. Elihu assumed Job was challenging God but Job simply wanted a conversation with Him.
35:9-16 Elihu touched on some valid observations about humanity: sometimes people are evil, often people are insincere (especially in their relationship with God). A lot of people want answers and blessings from God more than they want a relationship with Him. They ask in vain and silence answers.
Yet none of that was the case for Job. Job was a sincere and righteous child of God. He valued his relationship and earnestly sought a conversation with God. Eventually God would answer, and He will answer you, too.