Job 33:1-33
33:1-7 Elihu presented himself as though he had been sent directly from God to communicate with Job.
33:8-11 Elihu professed that he had listened to Job state his case.
33:12-18 Like Job's friends, Elihu disagreed that Job was righteous.
33:19-22 Elihu felt that God had been trying to reach Job, if not through dream than through hardship.
33:23-28 Elihu thought that if Job started to listen to the ways God was (supposedly) communicating to him, his life would change. But Elihu's advice did not apply to Job, as we know; Job's situation was unique.
33:29-30 Rightly, Elihu believed that God could restore a person if they were willing in faith. Yet Job was not blocking his own restoration.
33:31-33 Rather pompously, Elihu offered to continue to teach Job. He was overly confident that his advice was sound. He had not yet even given Job an opportunity respond.