23:1 Joshua is about to begin his farewell (for now) address. The verse notes that Joshua, among the children of Israel, was able to live a long life in the promised-land. The chapter began with Joshua in preparation to command an army into many cities.
It's worth noting that God ensures that His spiritual soldiers and children are able to live a fulfilling life. Before Moses moved on from the earth, he had a wife and children, he overcame insecurity, and he saw the fruits of his labors. Among so much more. Likewise, Joshua worked arduously for God and was then able to live a long, peaceful and protected life.
23:2 Joshua arranges for the leaders of the children of Israel to meet with him before he departs.
23:3-5 God has done so much for the children of Israel through their faith; He has moved nations and seas to carve a home for them. Joshua prophesies to the elders by explaining to them that God will continue to expand their borders and push their enemies further away. He reminds them that God is committed to the covenant.
23:6 Because God has remained committed, Joshua implores the elders to keep the tribes committed as well. Joshua's advice is for them, and us, to be courageous in faith. It is interesting, but not surprising, that Joshua would choose the word courageous. Following God and aligning one's life with His philosophy is a journey of courage: Courage to believe; Courage to trust; Courage to listen; Courage to act.
Trusting God sometimes requires us to believe that the removal or addition of something in our lives has been ordered by Him. It means letting go of things we think we need in order to make room for things God has decided are better for us. It means active, passion and purpose toward establishing His principles in ourselves, our homes, our communities, nations and world.
God is the only living entity worth boldly trusting. Joshua reminds us all to make that bold decision every day.
23:7 Joshua explains that the reason our courageous faith is necessary is because there is so much that can draw us away from God if our faith is weak. In the times of the children of Israel, people had carved images and worshiped inanimate idols. Those practices, however, are not defunct. Modern society across the globe has made idols out of objects of material wealth, celebrities, personal achievement and so much more. In many ways, humanity places its values outside of the sphere of God.
If our faith is courageous, we are able to reject the things our eyes and bodies covet. If our faith is courageous, we are able to discern the difference between love and lust, fact and fiction, frail and formidable. Courageous faith can understand that less is often more. Courageous faith causes us to align with the meek and weak and ignored. Courageous faith causes us to put others before ourselves, even though it is contradictory to how the majority lives.
23:8 Grip onto God like a lifeline because He is a lifeline.
The children of Israel are able to grip onto Him and look around at the blessings in their lives. And maybe some of us are in that stage right now. But remember the beginning of their journey... when they had less than nothing, they chose to have Him. The gripped on and He transformed their lives.
Before they took faithful hold of Him, His philosophy, their lives were desolate. Yet when they gripped onto the lifeline, they were tugged gently, directly toward abundance. They arrived at abundance.
Moses, and now Joshua, plead with the children of Israel to acknowledge the transformation of their lives... and for good reason. The group has been fickle and unfaithful before, distracted and led away and they will be again. And again. And again. And suddenly in our generation, we realize the same cycle is perpetuating.
23:9 Trust in God is a shield. The more trust we give Him, the thicker and broader the shield. The Israelites have lived faithfully for many year now and that had enabled their shield of protection to thrive. Even though their enemies outnumber them, a child standing with God is never outnumbered.
Joshua's advice is for the group to not take this protection for granted. It is not luck or coincidence that their lives have been so peaceful for so long. Their peace has been orchestrated and maintained by God.
23:10 "One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the Lord your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you." Joshua speaks powerfully from experience. Perhaps, like us, Joshua's audience does not understand the ferocity of God's love over our lives.
One man of you shall chase a thousand. One faithful soul will cause an army of people to flee from them. An army of opposition. A massive oppression. One faithful soul will be enabled by God to cause a formidable force to back down and run away afraid.
God's love for you is so deep that any enemy who does not see it, will see it by the time He is done with them.
23:11 Therefore love Him back; love unlocks love. Joshua's advice is to be careful not to lose this relationship which strengthens and empowers and protects.
23:12-13 God's ultimate motive is to force evil out, mute it, smother it, eliminate it. Knowing that, we should want to remain on God's side of protection.
23:14-16 He's never going to protect evil. Therefore, Joshua warns, be careful not to join in evil practices, in perpetuating injustice. If they do, they will find themselves experiencing what their enemies are facing: total debilitation and destruction.