The Book of Joshua outlines a series of violent battles which make difficult some student's abilities to reconcile "Old-Testament God" with "New-Testament" God. Here is an excerpt from the Thomas Nelson NKJV Study Bible about God's Judgment:
Of Israel's attacks on the northern part of Canaanite cities, the Bible states, "But they struck every man with the edge of the sword until they had destroyed them, and they left none breathing. As the Lord had commanded Moses His servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did" (11:14,15). God clearly commanded Israel to annihilate the Canaanites, and that is exactly what Joshua did.
Headlines such as this have caused many people to question God's basic justice. How can a holy, just, and loving God command such extreme violence? Indeed, many have thought of this issue as the OT's biggest challenge to modern readers. Some have gone so far as to allege that there is no connection between the "God of the Old Testament" and the "God of the New Testament revealed in Jesus."
However, this stereotype breaks down under examination. The Bible gibes reasons for the Canaanites' destruction- and these reasons are in convert with the whole tenor of the Bible in both testaments.
The primary reason for the Canaanites' destruction was that they were guilty of gross sin. Abraham got a preview of this when God promised him the land. God said fulfillment of the promise would be delayed in part because "the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete" (Gen. 15:16; the Amorites were the Cannanites). For man years, the Canaanites' sins would not justify annihilation. But that time would arrive and it did arrive by the time of Joshua.
What were the sins of the Canaanites? ... It was a thoroughly debased society, hostile to all of God's ways (Deut. 9:4,5).
This stereotype also breaks down because it overlooks the highly localized nature of the judgment on Canaan. The Israelites did not have a license to kill. They had no right to do the same to whatever peoples they encountered, at any time or in any place. This destruction targeted the sinful Canaanites of that time only. As harsh as it may seem to us, the Canaanites brought God's judgement on themselves by their own sin.
The New Testament states that one day Jesus Christ will judge the wicked nations of the earth (Matt. 25:31-46).
11:1-6 A massive army assembles against the children of Israel.
11:7-15 God promises Joshua that the army will be powerful against them. We would do well to keep God as close to us as Joshua does. Not only is He our divine consultant, He is also our Protector, and Provider of strength, courage and life.
As promised, Joshua and the children of Israel prevail against their enemies. We read of these battles in mere minutes but imagine the faith required to actually live them! To actually trust in God to deliver us from impossible situations. The events of the Old Testament encourage us to build deep faith. Deep faith will carry us, victorious, through our own impossible situations against fierce enemies. No entity is more fierce than our God.
11:16-23 These verses are a summary of Joshua's conquests.