12:1-6 Listed are the kings conquered by Moses.
Moses is described as a servant of God. Through Moses, we have evidence that God's servants are treated by Him like royalty. This particular irony comprises much of the New Testament. Jesus comes as a son and servant of God but truly He is the King. Jesus' service to God is fervent, arduous love and compassion.
Our faith is make alive by our works, James 2:14-26. Although blessed by God with the gift of authority over the entire Earth and all of humanity, Jesus lives humbly. He spends His every moment in service to teaching, healing, leading, and strengthening souls.
We learn through the people of the Bible that when we become obedient to God, all which is against us becomes obedient to us. Jesus explains that the only reason they were even able to crucify Him is because God allowed it for a purpose, John 19:11. When we become co-laborers with God, 1 Corinthians 3:9, He plans the entire course of our lives. He strengthens us to fulfill our purpose. Jesus agreed to the purpose of His life and by entering into a covenant with God, so do we.
God works all things together for good on our behalf, Genesis 50:20. Knowing that, spirits like Moses' were/are willing to enter into any journey with God. Like us, Moses was feeble. He severely doubted himself. But Moses began to change the world the moment that He realized he might doubt himself, but he did not doubt God. There is no more honorable or rewarding life purpose than to purpose oneself under the command of God.
12:7-23 Listed are the kings conquered by Joshua.
Joshua is a student and child of God and he trained under Moses. Joshua's faith is like Moses' in that he wholeheartedly trusts God. Chapters such as these, are evidence of the rewards of their faith in God. Lists of enemies conquered.
Our own enemies have different names now. Nations perhaps but also fears. Insecurities. Doubts. Whatever they are, allow God to ink lists for you of enemies conquered by Him on your behalf. God gives you the opportunity and honor of renouncing your enemies but He does all of the heavy lifting. Let Him send a hailstorm on that which/ who opposes you, Joshua 10:11.