31:1-5 The Lord appoints a man named Bezalel to design artwork for the Tabernacle: "I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship..." Do net let that verse fly over you without being realized and contemplated for the miracle that is. Our Abba fills Bezalel with spiritual gifts and He will fill you too. He will fill you with the Spirit of Himself; He will become your wings, power and navigation.
1 Corinthians 12 is an in-depth look at God's spiritual gifts and how he administers them.
31:6-11 God has ordained these artisans with purpose and wisdom to create the first official place of worship. The beauty and polish of the Tabernacle does not make it special, the presence of God in it does. With plan and purpose God instructs His children through creating a place where they can always come to find him. They do not yet understand the concept of God within us yet the elemental concept of God with and advocating for us is being established.
31:12-13 God's words to Moses are meant to be passed down even to our generation: "Speak also to the children of Israel, saying: 'Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you.'"
God's motivations are commonly misunderstood. God urges us to remember Him and to adhere to His traditions of faith because He knows that if we provide Him the opportunity, He can completely transform our lives. He's a strict authoritarian. Every directive He gives us is an encouragement. We have an entire text from Him and the sole intention is to convince us to allow Him to be our advocate. He loves His responsibility as our Father. He dutifully, tirelessly, passionately works to orchestrate our growth and joy.
31:14-15 The Sabbath is holy to us because it is a reminder, a time to remember, God's steadfast love for us. Anyone who does not acknowledge Him is put to spiritual death not by Him, but by life. He is our source of life... by denying Him, we cut ourselves off from what we need to be alive.
31:16 For us, this perpetual covenant is a gift, not a responsibility. For God, it's a responsibility. A responsibility He gloriously claims and keeps. We are implored to observe this perpetual covenant because it is our covering, our pillar and our source of life.
31:17 God is so faithful. So consistent. Our creator knows what we need. In this current time period, rather than rest in Him, so many work for the world... lethargically. Apathetically. There is no life inside of their bodies. Their spirits are smothered. Just as He has done, He instructs us to do. He knows what our souls need to thrive. Our spirits require rest and refreshment and we find that by resting in Him.
Every time you lie down or kneel down before Him, you have curled up on His lap, in His arms. Every time you give quiet deference to Him you receive His complete attention. You have His love and joy for you in every moment of you life but when you rest in Him, that love and joy become productive. You provide the fuel , trust and faith, they need to work miracles in your life.
Time is irrelevant for God: 2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. We know that the Earth is billions of years old because of scientific research. God is science. He is the entity, the wisdom behind that which we call science. He explains to us that a day for Him feels like a thousand years to us because time is not a constraint in His sphere. What we need to understand from Him is that regardless of how long it took Him to create this masterpiece of life, planet and universe, He rested when He finished. He came back to meditate on all that He is: compassion, creation, trust and wisdom. It's certainly working for Him... it will work for you too.
Time is irrelevant for God: 2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. We know that the Earth is billions of years old because of scientific research. God is science. He is the entity, the wisdom behind that which we call science. He explains to us that a day for Him feels like a thousand years to us because time is not a constraint in His sphere. What we need to understand from Him is that regardless of how long it took Him to create this masterpiece of life, planet and universe, He rested when He finished. He came back to meditate on all that He is: compassion, creation, trust and wisdom. It's certainly working for Him... it will work for you too.
31:18 God becomes increasingly accessible to humanity. We no longer have to climb a mountain (real, figurative or imagined) to reach Him. Moses receives tablets on which the Testimony of God will serve as instruction for the children of Israel, as us as we read and live today.