Saturday, March 25, 2017

OT: The Book of Exodus, Chapter 22

Exodus 22:1-31

Chapters 21-23 outline laws for the children of Israel.

22:1 A thief is responsible for returned property five-fold.

22:2 A victim is not responsible for the death of an intruder (self defense).

22:3 If a thief is caught and cannot replace what he took, he will be sold into service.

22:4 If a thief is caught alive, he must restore double what he took.

22:5 If a farmer is responsible for the trampling of another man's farm, he must use his own produce to restore the damaged property.

22:6 Arsonists are responsible for their actions and must restore damaged property.

22:7 A thief must pay double if he steals out of a person's house.

22:8 If there is doubt about the culprit the case must be brought to the court.

22:9 Any trespass can be brought before a judge.

22:10-13 People must make an oath to respect property temporarily entrusted to them.

22:14-15 People are responsible for respecting that which they borrow.

22:16-17 It was customary for fathers to marry their daughters to families; this law was made to ensure that the marriage contracts were respected.

22:18 Witchcraft is condemned. (For the most part, the modern world no longer believes in witchcraft).

22:19 Bestiality is punishable by death.

22:20 Strict monotheism: belief in this particular God only.

22:21 Kindness and justice must be extended to strangers.

22:22-24 Do not harm a widow or orphan. God is especially attuned to their cries.

22:25 Do not charge interest when loaning to the poor.

22:26-27 Must return a pledged-on garment before sunset. Another reminder that God hears our cries: "It will be that when he cries to Me, I will hear, for I am gracious."

22:28 Do not oppose God in hatred. (To oppose God is to oppose justice). Do not curse rulers (if they are ineffective, productively debase them; curses are ineffective, a waste of time, and harmless to the character of your soul).

22:29-30 Do not hoard your most valued possessions; raise your children to be faithful.

22:31 Be holy humans to God; do not eat corrupted meat.