Chapters 21-23 outline laws for the children of Israel.
23:1 Do not spread false rumors; it is a destructive waste of time. Do not be a silent witness of injustice.
23:2 Do not hang out with people committed unjust acts. Do not lie.
23:3 Be objective, reliant on truth.
23:4 Return lost property if found.
23:5 Help all people with their burdens.
23:6 Be just (do not bend the truth to benefit your friends).
23:7 Do not engage in, or contribute to, conflict (especially if you are not already involved).
23:8 Do not accept bribes.
23:9 Do not oppress strangers.
23:10-11 After six years of planting and harvest, let the soil recuperate for a year.
23:12 After six days of working, all people and animals should rest on the seventh day.
23:13 Do not commit idolatry.
23:14 Three periods of fasting should happen throughout a year.
23:15 Keep the celebration of Passover.
23:16 Celebrate the Feast of Harvest (first fruits) and also the end of the year.
23:17 At least three times per year present yourself to God.
23:18 Passover food cannot be used as sacrifice.
23:19 Acknowledge God in the midst of first harvest.
23:20 As God faithfully does for each of us who will receive Him, He assigns an angel to guide the children of Israel into the place which He has prepared. Notice what kind of leader God is: not only does He know the way, plan the way, guard the way, lead the way and send spiritual reinforcements, He also prepares the destination. When we arrive at the place He has ordained us to be, it is spirituality stocked. Our destination is specifically tailored by Him to fit our needs and joy.
23:21 In order to receive these blessings from God, we need to be dutiful children. The reason why we need to obey God's voice is because it is our GPS. What happens when you stop listening to the GPS in a confusing place? You get lost! It's as simple as that. The children of Israel are implored to listen to the guidance of the angel sent by God.
23:22 If you listen to Him, your enemies become His problem. He deals with them and frees you from their grasp. If you listen to Him, the people you love become beneficiaries of His blessings. Understand that God can provide for the people you love so much more comprehensively than you can. As much as you love them, He still loves them more.
23:23-24 The children of Israel are told not to follow their opposition. As long as they reject false gods and corrupt behavior, they will be led straight through danger and tribulation and into blessing. God implores them (and us) to reject idol-worship. Put your awe and faith in the creator, not in the things that cannot help or love you.
In implementing the plagues on Egypt, God challenged Egypt's false gods one-by-one and none of them were able to even respond. God continually works to show us that He is alive and powerful like no other entity.
23:25 The children of Israel are told that if they serve God, He bless their physical and spiritual bread and water. They will be feed: soul and body. How do we serve God? Our service to God is our compassion in action. Each of His commandments are guidelines to help us do that.
23:26 God promises that the children of Israel will healthily reproduce, increasing their population and strength. This is the same covenant started with Abraham, the father of many nations. God is faithful to His word. Abraham has passed away from the earth for a long time now, but God is still here, still present and fulfilling an everlasting promise. Not because He has to, but because He wants to.
23:27 God prepares the way. He destabilizes our enemies before we even arrive. Be begin each battle with Him at an incredible advantage.
23:28 He tells the children of Israel that He will even drive the enemy away from them. This promise is extended to you! If you want this promise, reach out and grab it. If you have already asked for it, trust Him to deliver. He is faithful.
23:29 God has a long-term plan for the children of Israel, our ancestors. He prepares the land to be fruitful for them: abundant with a manageable amount of plants and animals. Their enemies do not realize it, but God creates the conditions under which they tend land promised to the people they despise.
23:30 Little by little God promises to naturally give land to the children of Israel. Instead of some catastrophic event, God creates the conditions which will allow the children of Israel to make a home in a thriving land.
23:31 The bounds are set: from the Red Sea to the sea, Philistia, and from the desert to the River.
23:32 God does not want them, or us, to make deals with our enemies. He wants us to allow Him to construct our path and destination. He secures our livelihood and our home.
23:33 God knows His children so well. His plan is to push away and separate them (and us) from all of the distractions and corruptions which tempt us away from Him. He knows we are fickle and at times weak. He prepares for everything, our every flaw. He encourages us to dwell and remain separate from our opposition.
Keep Him as your center. Let Him set your bounds and stay within them! You will thrive.