Genesis 9:1-29
9:1 Humanity was again given reign over the Earth. Be fruitful: learn while you are here, grow. In compassion, wisdom, love, patience.
9:2-3 It was stated that humanity had power over flora and fauna. Humanity may have intellectual prowess over plant and animal life but never disregard the profound wisdom within nature.
9:4 Plant and animal life were offered as sustenance to humanity, food for our bodies. With conditions: for our health, it is stated that no animal should be consumed until properly cleaned. These health laws are quite well established in our world today but in the beginning, humans needed rudimentary guidance.
9:5-6 It is established that any person who maliciously takes a life loses their right to retain their own life.
9:7 For all of the good humans: Be fruitful and multiply. Be fruitful, be aware and productive here during your life. Multiply, not just people but ideas... kindnesses, opportunities, friendships. Create here.
9:8-11 God promises humanity and all life on earth (plant and animal) that He will never again flood the earth.
9:12-14 The reminder of His promise: The Rainbow. This covenant is reiterated in Isaiah 54:9. The promise is an intimate one. It is a promise to the children who seek Him and remain with his philosophical compassion. As we know, our Earth is constantly shifting and changing (in example: tectonic plates, climates). The upshot is that God promises never to act in anger against you.
9:15-17 God established an everlasting covenant with life on earth: He would not restore it in such a way as this flooding while life existed on earth as it is. Meaning not until we all reach Spirit would He rejuvenate Earth.
9:2-3 It was stated that humanity had power over flora and fauna. Humanity may have intellectual prowess over plant and animal life but never disregard the profound wisdom within nature.
9:4 Plant and animal life were offered as sustenance to humanity, food for our bodies. With conditions: for our health, it is stated that no animal should be consumed until properly cleaned. These health laws are quite well established in our world today but in the beginning, humans needed rudimentary guidance.
9:5-6 It is established that any person who maliciously takes a life loses their right to retain their own life.
9:7 For all of the good humans: Be fruitful and multiply. Be fruitful, be aware and productive here during your life. Multiply, not just people but ideas... kindnesses, opportunities, friendships. Create here.
9:8-11 God promises humanity and all life on earth (plant and animal) that He will never again flood the earth.
9:12-14 The reminder of His promise: The Rainbow. This covenant is reiterated in Isaiah 54:9. The promise is an intimate one. It is a promise to the children who seek Him and remain with his philosophical compassion. As we know, our Earth is constantly shifting and changing (in example: tectonic plates, climates). The upshot is that God promises never to act in anger against you.
9:15-17 God established an everlasting covenant with life on earth: He would not restore it in such a way as this flooding while life existed on earth as it is. Meaning not until we all reach Spirit would He rejuvenate Earth.
9:18-19 Noah's son Ham is about to learn a lesson (which in our world today is already quite well-established).
9:19 Noah's family is partly responsible for populating the earth because as we know, scientifically (and this chapter will reiterate this) one family cannot create a healthy world. Noah's family represents a lineage of a people.
9:20 Noah became a farmer and more specifically, planted a vineyard.
9:21 After ingesting wine, Noah came to be quite inebriated and slept. Wine serves and symbolizes different situations in the bible. The wine in the Bible often does not mean an intentionally alcoholic drink, but a juice naturally purified (in a time when potable water may not have been readily accessible to a large community). Wine also comes to represent Jesus's life. Jesus being a purified sustenance from which we do well to partake of. Wine as alcohol is also referenced and discouraged on many occasions in the scripture.
9:22-23 We are introduced to a euphemism for incest "seeing the father's nakedness" means to commit parental incest. Shem and Japheth wanted no part. Ham however, likely a proponent of a societal occurrence of declaring authority and dominance, committed incest with his mother.
The Bible itself explains this euphemism to us in Leviticus 20:11 "The man who lies with his father’s wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness..."
9:24 When Noah awoke and discovered the circumstances of the night, he was naturally infuriated.
9:25 It is likely that Noah was upset that the offspring of Ham would be biologically flawed (the consequence of incest).
9:26-27 Shem and Japheth did not participate in Ham's quest for dominance, retained their humility and health and their behavior pleased Noah.
9:28-29 Noah lived 950 years and he passed on from Earth.
9:19 Noah's family is partly responsible for populating the earth because as we know, scientifically (and this chapter will reiterate this) one family cannot create a healthy world. Noah's family represents a lineage of a people.
9:20 Noah became a farmer and more specifically, planted a vineyard.
9:21 After ingesting wine, Noah came to be quite inebriated and slept. Wine serves and symbolizes different situations in the bible. The wine in the Bible often does not mean an intentionally alcoholic drink, but a juice naturally purified (in a time when potable water may not have been readily accessible to a large community). Wine also comes to represent Jesus's life. Jesus being a purified sustenance from which we do well to partake of. Wine as alcohol is also referenced and discouraged on many occasions in the scripture.
9:22-23 We are introduced to a euphemism for incest "seeing the father's nakedness" means to commit parental incest. Shem and Japheth wanted no part. Ham however, likely a proponent of a societal occurrence of declaring authority and dominance, committed incest with his mother.
The Bible itself explains this euphemism to us in Leviticus 20:11 "The man who lies with his father’s wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness..."
9:24 When Noah awoke and discovered the circumstances of the night, he was naturally infuriated.
9:25 It is likely that Noah was upset that the offspring of Ham would be biologically flawed (the consequence of incest).
9:26-27 Shem and Japheth did not participate in Ham's quest for dominance, retained their humility and health and their behavior pleased Noah.
9:28-29 Noah lived 950 years and he passed on from Earth.